
Like jq, but for XML and XPath.

Primary LanguagePython


Apply XPath expressions to XML, like jq does for JSONPath and JSON.


Install with pip:

pip install xq

Or download the repo and install via setuptools:

python setup.py install


Extract download URLs from an RSS feed:

http get 'http://br-rss.jeffbr13.net/rss/channels/1/' | xq '//item/enclosure/@url'

Extract all links from an HTML page footer:

http get 'http://br-rss.jeffbr13.net/ | xq '//footer//a/@href'


Run unittest in the root directory to autodetect and run tests:

python -m unittest


Increment xq.VERSION and run the following two commands to create a source distribution, create a universal wheel, and upload to PyPI

python setup.py sdist
python setup.py bdist_wheel --universal
twine upload dist/*

See Also