
Templates for deploying Retailist treasuries. See https://jango.eth.limo/9E01E72C-6028-48B7-AD04-F25393307132.

Primary LanguageSolidity


This repo provides tools for deploying Revnets: Retailistic networks, using the Juicebox and Uniswap protocols for its implementation.

For a Retailism TLDR, see https://jango.eth.limo/9E01E72C-6028-48B7-AD04-F25393307132/.

For more Retailism information, see:

A Retailistic View on CAC and LTV https://jango.eth.limo/572BD957-0331-4977-8B2D-35F84D693276/

Modeling Retailism https://jango.eth.limo/B762F3CC-AEFE-4DE0-B08C-7C16400AF718/

Retailism for Devs, Investors, and Customers https://jango.eth.limo/3EB05292-0376-4B7D-AFCF-042B70673C3D/

Observations: Network dynamics similar between atoms, cells, organisms, groups, dance parties. https://jango.eth.limo/CF40F5D2-7BFE-43A3-9C15-1C6547FBD15C/

Join the conversation here: https://discord.gg/nT3XqbzNEr

In this repo, you'll find:

  • a basic revnet design implemented in BasicRevnetDeployer.
  • a design that accepts other pay hooks implemented in PayHookRevnetDeployer, which accepts other pay hooks that'll get used throughout the revnet's lifetime as it receives payments.
  • a design that supports tiered 721 pay hooks implemented in Tiered721RevnetDeployer, which accepts data to deploy a tiered 721 pay hook that'll get used throughout the network's lifetime as people pay in, alongside other pay hooks that may also be specified.
  • a design supports croptop, implemented in CroptopRevnetDeployer, which accepts data to deploy a tiered 721 pay hook that'll get used throughout the project's lifetime as people pay in that can also be posted to by the public through the croptop publisher contract. See https://croptop.eth.limo for more context.

You can use these contracts to deploy treasuries from etherscan, or wherever else they've been exposed from.


revnet-templates uses the Foundry development toolchain for builds, tests, and deployments. To get set up, install Foundry:

curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | sh

You can download and install dependencies with:

forge install

If you run into trouble with forge install, try using git submodule update --init --recursive to ensure that nested submodules have been properly initialized.

Some useful commands:

Command Description
forge install Install the dependencies.
forge build Compile the contracts and write artifacts to out.
forge fmt Lint.
forge test Run the tests.
forge build --sizes Get contract sizes.
forge coverage Generate a test coverage report.
foundryup Update foundry. Run this periodically.
forge clean Remove the build artifacts and cache directories.

To learn more, visit the Foundry Book docs.

We recommend using Juan Blanco's solidity extension for VSCode.


For convenience, several utility commands are available in util.sh. To see a list, run:

`bash util.sh --help`.

Or make the script executable and run:

./util.sh --help