
This is the repository for SemEval 2021 Task 4: Reading Comprehension of Abstract Meaning. It includes code for baseline models and data.

Primary LanguagePython


This is the repository for SemEval 2021 Task 4: Reading Comprehension of Abstract Meaning. It includes code for baseline models and data.


Data Format

Data is stored one-question-per-line in json format. Each instance of the data can be trated as a python dictinoary object. See examples below for further help in reading the data.


"article": "... observers have even named it after him, ``Abenomics". It is based on three key pillars -- the "three arrows" of monetary policy, fiscal stimulus and structural reforms in order to ensure long-term sustainable growth in the world's third-largest economy. In this weekend's upper house elections, ....",
"question": "Abenomics: The @placeholder and the risks",
"option_0": "chances",
"option_1": "prospective",
"option_2": "security",
"option_3": "objectives",
"option_4": "threats",
"label": 3
  • article : the article that provide the context for the question.
  • question : the question models are required to answer.
  • options : five answer options for the question. Model are required to select the true answer from 5 options.
  • label : index of the answer in options


Data can be treated as python dictionary objects. A simple script to read ReCAM data is as follows:

def read_recam(path):
    with open(path, mode='r') as f:
        reader = jsonlines.Reader(f)
        for instance in reader: