
WordPress custom post types that feel like CRUD models

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WordPress custom post types that feel like CRUD models

See the wiki for complete documentation.


  1. Add Taco and Util to composer.json
  "require": {
    "tacowordpress/tacowordpress": "dev-master"
  1. Include Composer’s autoload in wp-config.php
// Composer autoloader
// Add to the top of wp-config.php
require_once realpath(__DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php');
  1. Initialize Taco in functions.php
// Initialize Taco


Once you have Taco setup, you can start creating your custom post types. Follow the getting started instructions for a simple example.

PHPUnit tests

If you want to contribute, you should create corresponding PHPUnit tests for your functionality or fix. You will need to create a database and configure db-config.php with your database credentials. Then pull down the latest Composer updates which includes PHPUnit, and run the PHPUnit tests:

$ composer update
$ cd tests
$ ../vendor/bin/phpunit

If you want to login to the WordPress admin UI for the test suite, you need to:

  1. Create a hosts entry: taco-phpunit-test.vera
  2. Create an Apache vhosts entry, modifying the path as necessary. If you are having trouble, make sure that your vhost file is being loaded by Apache.

     <VirtualHost *:80>
       DocumentRoot "/path/to/taco/tests/lib/wordpress"
       ServerName taco-phpunit-test.vera
       <Directory /path/to/taco/tests/lib/wordpress>
         AllowOverride All
         Order allow,deny
         Allow from all
  3. Visit http://taco-phpunit-test.vera/wp-admin/

     u: admin
     p: admin



  • Updating to work with PHP 7


  • Tagging last version of Taco to run on PHP 5