First read this Medium article about web3.0 How does Ethereum work, anyway?
Then take a look to this video tutorial Build and Deploy a Modern Web 3.0 Blockchain App | Solidity, Smart Contracts, Crypto
and try to fallow the development in order make your first steps toward web3.0
- There are TESTING ETHEREUM, which is used during the development of the contracts.
- Sub unit of Ether is Gwei, example 21000 Gwei === 0.000021 ETH
- Once created, Smart contract has to be deployed, and after the deploy script is done, you'll get a hex address of the contract deployment. Where it just got deployed only the Holy Horus knows, for now.
- Node providers? Providers that sends your transactions to the nodes of the blockchain network. If it is a MetaMask it can be slow, that's why other providers (like Alchemy) provides this service
- There are different chains (Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum...) and chains has different networks (production and testing one). Fot both you need a wallet (on MetaMask) and faucets (tokens)
- Smart contract has ABI (desc) binary interface, a json file that describes the contract
- How to create the wallet(s)? Install MetaMask chrome extension and start from there.
- How to add to test ETH (Ropsten Test Network) into MetaMask? Here
- How to add test ETH from the Faucet? Here
How to:
- Create
blockchain programing language Deploy the contract
to the network- Create the accounts (one to run the smart contract, another one to receive the funds) on
- Get free testing ETH on my test account
- Use Alchemy as web3.0 development platform
- Check if my Metamask wallet is connected to my smart contract
- Connect the Metamask wallet to feed my smart contract
- Send transaction to another address using my smart contract and add the transaction to the blockchain