
Starting point for total web3.0 beginners.

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Web3.0 for total beginners

Things to begin with

First read this Medium article about web3.0 How does Ethereum work, anyway?

Then take a look to this video tutorial Build and Deploy a Modern Web 3.0 Blockchain App | Solidity, Smart Contracts, Crypto

and try to fallow the development in order make your first steps toward web3.0

Fan facts that everyone always skip when explaining to you the web3.0 world

  • There are TESTING ETHEREUM, which is used during the development of the contracts.
  • Sub unit of Ether is Gwei, example 21000 Gwei === 0.000021 ETH
  • Once created, Smart contract has to be deployed, and after the deploy script is done, you'll get a hex address of the contract deployment. Where it just got deployed only the Holy Horus knows, for now.
  • Node providers? Providers that sends your transactions to the nodes of the blockchain network. If it is a MetaMask it can be slow, that's why other providers (like Alchemy) provides this service
  • There are different chains (Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum...) and chains has different networks (production and testing one). Fot both you need a wallet (on MetaMask) and faucets (tokens)
  • Smart contract has ABI (desc) binary interface, a json file that describes the contract

Few things to save your time

  • How to create the wallet(s)? Install MetaMask chrome extension and start from there.
  • How to add to test ETH (Ropsten Test Network) into MetaMask? Here
  • How to add test ETH from the Faucet? Here

What I've learned from this journey

How to:

  1. Create SmartContract using Solana blockchain programing language
  2. Deploy the contract to the network
  3. Create the accounts (one to run the smart contract, another one to receive the funds) on Metamask
  4. Get free testing ETH on my test account
  5. Use Alchemy as web3.0 development platform
  6. Check if my Metamask wallet is connected to my smart contract
  7. Connect the Metamask wallet to feed my smart contract
  8. Send transaction to another address using my smart contract and add the transaction to the blockchain