
An overengineered CENG445 project

Primary LanguagePython


CENG445 Term Project, developed by @akca and @bozbalci.


Bidpazari requires Python 3.8 or greater. You may use pyenv in order to manage multiple versions of Python without changing the global Python version. After configuration is done, run the following command to set the global Python version:

$ pyenv global 3.8.0
$ python --version  # should be 3.8.0

Install Poetry in order to manage dependencies:

$ curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/get-poetry.py | python

Create a virtualenv and install dependencies:

$ python -mvenv ~/.virtualenvs/bidpazari
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/bidpazari/bin/activate
(bidpazari) $ poetry install
(bidpazari) $ cd static; npm install


If you are developing JavaScript, you are probably interested in running webpack-dev-server. Run it like below:

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=bidpazari.settings.dev ./manage.py webpackdevserver

If you are not interested in developing JavaScript, you still need to generate a Webpack build for some of the website to work. For this, you should run

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=bidpazari.settings.dev ./manage.py buildfrontend

If you would like to generate a production build, use bidpazari.settings.prod.

After running webpack-dev-server or creating a static build, run the Django server:

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=bidpazari.settings.dev ./manage.py runserver

If it complains about unapplied migrations, run

./manage.py makemigrations && ./manage.py migrate

in order to create a DB and apply migrations.

Initially, the WebSocket server will not be running. In order to run it, visit


in order to start the WebSocket thread within the Django server.

Happy hacking!

-Fatih, Berk