Yang models for the Junos platform
#Usage The Yang files are tested for compilation with pyang v1.5. Before consumption by an NMS, this requires changes to handle non-YANG Junos data models.
- Import Junos tailf extension and include it in the main module
module junos {
namespace "http://xml.juniper.net/xnm/1.1/xnm";
prefix junos;
import tailf-common {
prefix tailf;
For example, to handle key enumeration leafs:
list community {
key "community-name";
ordered-by user;
description "BGP community properties associated with a route";
choice community-action {
case case_1 {
leaf equal-literal {
description "Set the BGP communities in the route";
type empty;
case case_2 {
leaf set {
description "Set the BGP communities in the route";
type empty;
case case_3 {
leaf plus-literal {
description "Add BGP communities to the route";
type empty;
case case_4 {
leaf add {
description "Add BGP communities to the route";
type empty;
case case_5 {
leaf minus-literal {
description "Remove BGP communities from the route";
type empty;
case case_6 {
leaf delete {
description "Remove BGP communities from the route";
type empty;
leaf community-name {
description "Name to identify a BGP community";
type string;
changes to
list community {
key "key1 community-name";
ordered-by user;
description "BGP community properties associated with a route";
leaf key1 {
type enumeration {
enum equal-literal {
description "Set the BGP communities in the route";
enum set {
description "Set the BGP communities in the route";
enum plus-literal {
description "Add BGP communities to the route";
enum add {
description "Add BGP communities to the route";
enum minus-literal {
description "Remove BGP communities from the route";
enum delete {
description "Remove BGP communities from the route";
leaf community-name {
description "Name to identify a BGP community";
type string;