
get my dang photos out of that thing

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Forked Google Photos API

Forked from the node.js sample application for the Google Photos Library API.

Set up

Before you can run this sample, you must set up a Google Developers project and configure authentication credentials. Follow the get started guide to complete these steps:

  1. Set up a Google Developers Project and enable the Google Photos Library API.
  2. In your project, set up new OAuth credentials for a web server application. Set the authorized JavaScript origin to and the authorized redirect URL to if you are running the app locally.
  3. The console will display your authentication credentials. Add the Client ID and Client secret to the file config.js, replacing the placeholder values:
// The OAuth client ID from the Google Developers console.
config.oAuthClientID = 'ADD YOUR CLIENT ID';

// The OAuth client secret from the Google Developers console.
config.oAuthclientSecret = 'ADD YOUR CLIENT SECRET';

You are now ready to run the sample:

  1. Install dependencies: Run npm ci,
  2. Start the app: Run npm start.

By default, the app will listen on port 8080. Open a web browser and navigate to to access the app.