
A clean, dark Visual Studio Code theme that celebrates the lights of Downtown Tokyo at night.

MIT LicenseMIT

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A clean Visual Studio Code theme that celebrates the lights of Downtown Tokyo at night.

Note: Many UI elements are intentionally low contrast so as not to distract. I can provide customization settings similar to what is shown further down this page to anyone who needs specific text brightened.

Semantic Highlighting: If you prefer all variables inside functions to be the same color, disable semantic highlighting in settings. Otherwise, parameters used will be dimmer in color. Submit an issue if you notice anything 'off' with semantic highlighting as I've just recently provided support for it.


Tokyo Night Screenshot - Tokyo Night

Tokyo Night Storm Screenshot - Tokyo Night Storm

Tokyo Night Light Screenshot - Tokyo Night Light

Disabling Italics

Paste this into your settings.json to disable italics.

"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
    "[Tokyo Night]": { // or "[Tokyo Night Storm]"
        "textMateRules": [{
            "scope": [
                "meta.var.expr storage.type",
                "meta.directive.vue punctuation.separator.key-value.html",
                "meta.directive.vue entity.other.attribute-name.html",
                "tag.decorator.js entity.name.tag.js",
                "tag.decorator.js punctuation.definition.tag.js",
            "settings": {
                "fontStyle": ""

Customization Settings Examples

Higher Contrast Settings

The below can by no means officially represent high contrast but they may serve as a starting point. This assumes that the darker Tokyo Night version is being used.

"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
    "[Tokyo Night]": {
        "foreground": "#959cbd",
        "panelTitle.activeBorder": "#3d59a1",
        "panelTitle.activeForeground": "#bdc7f0",
        "panelTitle.inactiveForeground": "#959cbd",
        "tab.activeForeground": "#bdc7f0",
        "tab.inactiveForeground": "#959cbd",
        "breadcrumb.foreground": "#959cbd",
        "breadcrumb.focusForeground": "#bdc7f0",
        "breadcrumb.activeSelectionForeground": "#bdc7f0",
        "statusBar.foreground": "#bdc7f0",
        "list.focusForeground": "#bdc7f0",
        "list.hoverForeground": "#bdc7f0",
        "list.activeSelectionForeground": "#bdc7f0",
        "list.inactiveSelectionForeground": "#bdc7f0",
        "list.inactiveSelectionBackground": "#202330",
        "sideBar.foreground": "#959cbd",
        "dropdown.foreground": "#959cbd",
        "input.foreground": "#959cbd",
        "input.placeholderForeground": "#959cbd",
        "activityBar.foreground": "#bdc7f0",
        "activityBar.inactiveForeground": "#787c99",
        "gitDecoration.ignoredResourceForeground": "#696d87",

Brightening Codelens text

I prefer my Codelens text fade into the background unless hovered over, but if you'd like a higher contrast, add this to your settings.json:

"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
    "[Tokyo Night]": { // or "[Tokyo Night Storm]"
        "editorCodeLens.foreground": "#7982a9", // Preferred hex color

Window Active and Inactive borders (vscode 1.40.0)

macOS dark-mode doesn't play well with these two theme mods so I've chosen to darken them as much as I can to fix the gray border issue on my side. Set them however you like using:

"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
    "[Tokyo Night]": { // or "[Tokyo Night Storm]"
        "window.activeBorder": "#ff0000",

Color Palette

Tokyo Night and Tokyo Night Storm

Color                Use
#f7768e #f7768e This keyword, HTML elements, Regex group symbol, CSS units, Terminal Red
#ff9e64 #ff9e64 Number and Boolean constants, Language support constants
#e0af68 #e0af68 Function parameters, Regex character sets, Terminal Yellow
#9ece6a #9ece6a Strings, CSS class names
#73daca #73daca Object literal keys, Markdown links, Terminal Green
#b4f9f8 #b4f9f8 Regex literal strings
#2ac3de #2ac3de Language support functions, CSS HTML elements
#7dcfff #7dcfff Object properties, Regex quantifiers and flags, Markdown headings, Terminal Cyan, Markdown code, Import/export keywords
#7aa2f7 #7aa2f7 Function names, CSS property names, Terminal Blue
#bb9af7 #bb9af7 Control Keywords, Storage Types, Regex symbols and operators, HTML Attributes, Terminal Magenta
#c0caf5 #c0caf5 Variables, Class names, Terminal White
#a9b1d6 #a9b1d6 Editor Foreground
#9aa5ce #9aa5ce Markdown Text, HTML Text
#cfc9c2 #cfc9c2 Parameters inside functions (semantic highlighting only)
#565f89 #565f89 Comments
#414868 #414868 Terminal Black
#24283b #24283b Editor Background (Storm)
#1a1b26 #1a1b26 Editor Background (Night)

Tokyo Night Light

Color                Use
#8c4351 #8c4351 This keyword, HTML elements, Regex group symbol, CSS units, Terminal Red
#965027 #965027 Number and Boolean constants, Language support constants
#8f5e15 #8f5e15 Function parameters, Regex character sets, Terminal Yellow
#485e30 #485e30 Strings, CSS class names
#33635c #33635c Object literal keys, Markdown links, Regex literal strings, Terminal Green
#166775 #166775 Language support functions, CSS HTML elements
#0f4b6e #0f4b6e Object properties, Regex quantifiers and flags, Terminal Cyan, Markdown code, Import/export keywords
#34548a #34548a Function names, CSS property names, Markdown Headings, Terminal Blue
#5a4a78 #5a4a78 Control Keywords, Storage Types, Regex symbols and operators, HTML Attributes, Terminal Magenta
#343b58 #343b58 Editor Foreground, Variables, Class names, Terminal White
#565a6e #565a6e Markdown Text, HTML Text
#634f30 #634f30 Parameters inside functions (semantic highlighting only)
#0f0f14 #0f0f14 Terminal Black
#9699a3 #9699a3 Comments
#d5d6db #d5d6db Editor Background

Other Ports

tokyo-night.itermcolors is supplied in this theme's ~/.vscode/extensions folder or via github.

Sublime Text
Tokyo Night is a color scheme option in my Enki Theme.

Install the Tokyo Night Alfred Theme.

DuckduckGo theme preferences (by Grafikart)

JetBrains IDE


Kitty Terminal
Tokyo Night color scheme for kitty (by davidmathers)

Alacritty Terminal
Tokyo Night Alacritty Theme, a color scheme for Alacritty Terminal Emulator (by mhyfritz)

Hyper terminal
hyper-tokyo-night, a theme for Hyper (by fitrh)

Windows Terminal
tokyonight-windows-terminal, a theme for Windows Terminal (by g-e-o-m-e-t-r-i-c)

Tokyo Night theme for Insomnia (by pokedotdev)

Visual Studio 2022
tokyo-night-visual-studio-theme for Visual Studio 2022 (by m1chaelbarry)

Tokyonight_Vim theme for Firefox, LibreWolf, etc. (by Jared Reardon)

warp-tokyo-night, a theme for Warp (by bart-krakowski)

tokyo-night-kicad-theme, a theme for the KiCad schematic editor (by kevin-nel)

Tilix/Black Box Terminal
tokyo-night-tilix-black-box-theme a theme for tilix colorscheme compatible terminals (by kevin-nel)

gtksourceview (gnome text editor, gedit, builder, etc)
tokyo-night-gtksourceview a theme for gtksourceview applications (by kevin-nel)


Tokyo Tower icon used in theme icon made by Smashicons from www.flaticon.com. Color palettes in this README use www.placeholder.com.