
Facilitate life sized RoboRally

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT


Webapp to facilitate humans playing as the robots in RoboRally. Will hand out cards, resolve play order, and keep track of various stats.


Debian Linux

Install NodeJS (I've been running 4.2.6, I'm guessing any recent version will do)

$ curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_7.x | sudo -E bash -
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs

Install the crazy pile of modules required to run webpack + babel (Last count for me was 165M in node_modules)

$ npm install

Build frontend

$ npm run build

Install perl modules required for backend

$ sudo apt-get install libanyevent-perl libdata-uuid-perl libfile-slurp-perl libjson-perl libjson-xs-perl liblist-moreutils-perl libmojolicious-perl libtest-deep-perl


$ ./cyborg-rally

Browse to http://localhost:3000/


Install NodeJS via the Windows installer from http://nodejs.org

npm install

Build frontend

npm run build

Download and install Strawberry perl

cpan Mojolicious::Lite EV AnyEvent JSON JSON:XS Data::UUID List::MoreUtils Test::Deep


perl cyborg-rally

Browse to http://localhost:3000/


Run webpack in watch mode

npm run watch

Run development server (optional, if you intend to modify files there)

morbo cyborg-rally

Run your editor of choice

Use whatever developer tools you are comfortable in your browser. Note: react has React Developer Tools for Chrome and Firefox. I reccommend installing the extension. In chrome, it often shows up under >> because it is the far right tab in developer tools.

The page is purposely very talky because I haven't taken the time to figure out web tests for react. There are plenty of tests for the backend, but none for the UI.

If you want to run the backend tests: prove -l


All documentation will be markdown files in the lib and js directories covering the backend api and React frontend respectively.