
Forked from jturco for ESRI

Primary LanguagePython

Welcome to the arcgis_cdk project

This project uses the AWS Cloud Development Kit, AWS Systems Manager, and ArcGIS PowerShell DSC Libraries to automate the deployment of AWS Infrastructure and ArcGIS Enterprise.


Configuring, Synthesizing, and Deploying the CDK

The AWS Cloud Development Kit is a relatively newer tool that allows developers to create code in the language that they are most comfortable in and translate that into AWS Infrastructure by generating CloudFormation templates.

Before proceeding, ensure you have both the AWS CLI and AWS CDK available and working (see prerequisites for more information)

CDK Overview

The cdk.json file tells the CDK Toolkit how to execute your app.

This project is set up like a standard Python project. The initialization process also creates a virtualenv within this project, stored under the .env directory. To create the virtualenv it assumes that there is a python3 (or python for Windows) executable in your path with access to the venv package. If for any reason the automatic creation of the virtualenv fails, you can create the virtualenv manually.

To manually create a virtualenv on MacOS and Linux:

$ python -m venv .env

After the init process completes and the virtualenv is created, you can use the following step to activate your virtualenv.

$ source .env/bin/activate

If you are a Windows platform, you would activate the virtualenv like this:

% .env\Scripts\activate.bat

Once the virtualenv is activated, you can install the required dependencies.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

At this point you can now synthesize the CloudFormation template for this code.

$ cdk synth

To add additional dependencies, for example other CDK libraries, just add them to your setup.py file and rerun the pip install -r requirements.txt command.

Useful commands

  • cdk ls list all stacks in the app
  • cdk synth emits the synthesized CloudFormation template
  • cdk deploy deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region
  • cdk diff compare deployed stack with current state
  • cdk docs open CDK documentation

CDK Configuration Parameters

Now that you have your virtual environment setup with AWS CDK, let's take a look at how this repo is using it. There is an arcgis_cdk_config.json file in the arcgis_cdk directory. The following parameters can be used.

  • stack_name - the name of your stack (example - "maps")
  • high_availability - true/false
  • cert_arn - ARN for your ACM certificate
  • file_server_size - EC2 Instance Class and Type (example - "m5.2xlarge")
  • kp_name - key pair name
  • public_hosted_zone_id - zone id for your Route53 public hosted zone

Once the arcgis_cdk_config.json has been updated, run the following commands to deploy your code.

$ cdk synth

Note: you can find the resulting CloudFormation template that was created in the cdk.out directory

$ cdk deploy

Take a look in your AWS Account and notice everything that was deployed

CDK Results

The CDK deploys the following resource to your AWS account:

  • A new VPC with multiple public/private subnets
  • EC2 Instances in the private Subnet
  • ALB in the public Subnet with a listener on 443
    • Path based routing rules for the listener
    • ACM Certificate attached to the listener
  • Route53 Record Set for an existing Public Hosted Zone that maps to the ALB
  • A new Route53 private hosted zones with record sets mapping to each EC2 Instance

A logical diagram of the infrastructure can be found below: arcgis_cdk_diagram

AWS System Manager

Run Commands from AWS System Manager will be used to remotely execute code on the EC2 Instances. This will be done in two steps. We must first prep the instances with our software, then execute the PowerShell DSC scripts.

PowerShell DSC Configuration File

Now that we have our infrastructure, we need to populate our PowerShell DSC file. There is a sample file title DSCConfigurations-Sample.json in the repo.

A detailed review of the Variables can be found at the Variable Reference page:

You will need to edit this file we your private IP addresses from the arcgis_cdk deployment above.

S3 Bucket Artifacts

We are going to execute code remotely on EC2 Instances and some of the execution requires files to be present in our S3 bucket that was created by the CDK.

The following things need to be upload into the S3 bucket:

  • ArcGIS Software Install files (Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Datastore, and Web Adaptor for IIS)
  • ArcGIS Licenses files (Portal & Server)
  • The PowerShell DSC Configuration File that was edited above

Instance Prep

Before we get started with installing PowerShell DSC via the Invoke-ArcGIS Command we need to do a little machine prep. The prep includes:

  • Downloading the software and licenses from the S3 bucket created by the arcgis_cdk run
    • Portal for ArcGIS (and license)
    • ArcGIS Server (and license)
    • ArcGIS DataStore
    • ArcGIS Web Adaptor for Microsoft IIS
  • Downloading the PowerShell DSC modules and adding the ArcGIS Modules to PowerShell
  • Adding a local account to each machine for Windows Remote Management (WInRM)
  • Changing the execution policy
  • Enabling Windows Remote Management (WinRM) to that one machine can execute the commands

Edit the following sections within the EC2InstancePrep.ps1 file:

  • Bucket name & Object Keys
  • License file name
  • IP Addresses of machines
  • Username / Password of service account

Login to your AWS Account to Execute the Code:

  1. Ensure the ArcGIS Enterprise Software has been uploaded to the S3 bucket created by the CDK
  2. Navigate to AWS Systems Manager
  3. Chose the Run Command from the options on the left
  4. Create a new run command
  5. Search for the existing PowerShell Run Document
    • AWS-RunPowerShellScript
  6. Parameters for Run Command
    • Document - 1 (Default)
    • Command parameters - Copy the contents from EC2InstancePrep.ps1 file (updated with your parameters)
    • Working Directory - Leave Blank
    • Execution Timeout - Leave at 3600
    • Targets - Choose the instances that were deployed above
    • Other parameters can be left as default
    • (Optionally) Configure an S3 Bucket where Command output will be added
  7. Execute the Run Command!!


PowerShell DSC Command

At this point the infrastructure should have been stood up with CDK, the EC2 Instances should have been prepped by the first Run Command in System Manager. It's time to Deploy Some Software.

  1. Ensure the ArcGIS Enterprise Software has been uploaded to the S3 bucket created by the CDK
  2. Navigate to AWS Systems Manager
  3. Chose the Run Command from the options on the left
  4. Create a new run command
  5. Search for the existing PowerShell Run Document
    • AWS-RunPowerShellScript
  6. Parameters for Run Command
    • Document - 1 (Default)
    • Command parameters - Copy the contents from InvokeDSC.ps1 file (updated with your parameters)
    • Working Directory - Leave Blank
    • Execution Timeout - Change to 28800 (we want to give the commands at least 8 hours to complete)
    • Targets - Choose ONLY the orchestration instance
    • Other parameters can be left as default
    • (Optionally) Configure an S3 Bucket where Command output will be added
  7. Execute the Run Command!!


Your all set! Login to the newly deployed ArcGIS Enterprise site using the credentials created in the PowerShell DSC file and the URL specified in your Route53 entries!