
Starter app for fastai v3 model deployment on Render

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Starter for deploying fast.ai models on Render

This repo can be used as a starting point to deploy fast.ai models on Render.

The sample app described here is up at https://fastai-v3.onrender.com. Test it out with bear images!

You can test your changes locally by installing Docker and using the following command:

docker build -t fastai-v3 . && docker run --rm -it -p 5000:5000 fastai-v3

The guide for production deployment to Render is at https://course.fast.ai/deployment_render.html.

Please use Render's fast.ai forum thread for questions and support.

Bee Eater Web App:

The Bee Eater Web app uses a ResNet34 transfer learning model to predict 3 different Bee Eater bird classes. The bird images are extracted from google image search urls. There are 480 bird images (384 test set, 96 validation set) used to train the model. The model was trained with 2 epochs on an unfrozen ResNet34 transfer learning model using SGD to find the learning rate. The model has a final error rate of 10.4167%