
relational database slicer and naming convention

# Written By Brian Johnson

## General
This script uses table names and column names to build a
dependency hash array. The dependency hash array connects
each table to all of it's relational siblings, parents,
uncles, children, nephews, and so on and so on, into
infinity or when the data ends, whichever comes first.

Arrays at the head of the script determine special cases are handled.

* $ignore_tables - tables that are not backed up
* $tablesIgnore - tables whose rows are not relationally linked in some scenarios (not backed up in some cases)
* $date_backup - tables that should be backed up by the date specified NOTE: this is the catalyst
* $straight_backup_table - tables to backup in their entirety
* $special_tables - tables that have variable parent/child relationships
* $anc_exceptions - tables twhose ancestry should be ignired, they are handled with either special cases or perhaps some other method of backup

## Special Cases 
where relation is only followed if the secondsary table is in the array on the right.

i.e. $tablesIgnore['USER_USER'] = array('USRP_USER_PASSWORD');
This line tells the script to not backup records linked to on the right, left, or under USER_USER, unless it is in the USRP_USER_PASSWORD table.

In the case of USER_USER this is done to prevent large unintended backup swaths ...because some users have touched every app, and without this line the script would crawl through almost every app....

## Connection Information:
The script connects to two databases ( a source and destination ) these and the relevant database names are selected below

First, create table dependencies for the entire DB by describing each table and searching for namespace matches. i.e. APPL_APPS_ID ==> APPS_ID (Joining the APPL_APP table and the APPS_APP_STATUS table) special cases must be defined above...i.e. when a table has unlike syntax to out standard

### Process
* 1. Get table descriptions
* 2. use those descriptions in getDependencies function