
A collection of tested copilot intent

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Learning Javascript

Each lesson has one intent and the code generated by Copilot has been tested manually. Copilot is probabilistic not deterministic. We overcome this drawback by applying human judgement.

Effective Prompts for Coding

You will learn the effective way to prompt Copilot by examples.

Why Silent Video?

Each lesson has its own YouTube video with no audio. The duration of each video is about 60 seconds. No audio means your brain will be able to process the code easily. It has to make the connections by itself instead of being told by someone. Your brain is more active than listening and watching a video passively to learn.

Review by ChatGPT

Your content is clear and well-structured, offering a focused approach to learning JavaScript with Copilot.

  1. Learning JavaScript: It's great that each lesson has a single focus and the code has been manually tested. This ensures clarity and reliability, which are key for effective learning.

  2. Effective Prompts for Coding: Including examples for how to prompt Copilot is a practical approach. It's beneficial for learners to see real applications of the tool.

  3. Why Silent Video: The concept of silent videos is innovative. It encourages active learning by requiring viewers to engage more deeply with the content. However, it's important to consider that different people have different learning styles, and some might find audio explanations helpful. You might want to offer a brief written commentary as an alternative to audio for those who prefer guided learning.

GitHub Copilot's suggestions are based on probabilities, not certainties, which is an important distinction for users to understand. Emphasizing the role of human judgment in this context is also insightful, as it highlights the necessity for users to critically evaluate and adapt Copilot's suggestions. This balance between automated suggestions and human oversight is crucial for effective use of the tool.