
Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Link Search

A simple client side fuzzy search using Alpine, Fuse and Tailwind.

Fuzzy search using Fuse.js. This is good enough for small to moderately large data sets.


Library Versions

  • Alpine.js - 3.x.x
  • Tailwind CSS - 3.2.4
  • Fuse.js - 6.6.2

File Description

Ready for Use

File Name Description
ssh.html Ready to use for search and copy credentials to clipboard
copy.html Simple javascript copy feature
bookmark.html First working version complete
books.html Search, sort by name and author
alpine.html Used for learning purposes only

The alpine.html does an exact string search using Javascript. The search data is on the client and stored as a JSON collection of objects. Library versions:

  • Alpine.js - 2.x.x
  • Tailwind CSS - 1.0

Not Ready

File Name Description
search.html Original file found online (search, sort, paginate, rows to display)
table.html Simplified version of search.html
landing.html Uses paid Tailwind components
table.html Removed number of rows dropdown and pagination. Starting point
catalog.html A catalog of books to search, sort and track reading of the books

Copy SSH Credentials to Clipboard

Customize the JSON data in ssh.json for your needs and open ssh.html in a browser to start using the search and copy to clipboard feature.


  • Tippy
  • Popper

Search Hyperlinks

Customize the JSON data in bookmark.json for your needs and open bookmark.html in a browser to start using the search and open link in new tab feature.

The bookmark link is dynamically bound to a variable using Aline bind directive.


  • Make both fields use copyToClipboard function, see if the magic methods can be deleted.

  • Start at loops.html to see how add works

  • Setup paid Tailwind to make landing.html work. Refer the GPT instructions. Use PostCSS and npm to setup landing.html

  • Refer model.html and see how to add input text field to the color dropdown. Add the new color to the dropdown if Add button is clicked. Identify the data. colors: Red, Green, Blue etc Identify the behavior. add a new color to colors array on Add button click Display the data. Loop through the colors and display the colors in the dropdown. The new component will be a combination of basic binding and select code snippets in model.html

  • Purine levels in foods (low, moderate, high). Sort by purine level.

Nice to Haves

  • Customize bookmark.html.
  • In ssh.html, on hitting enter display the results table and allow copy of command and password.
  • Fix the flicker when pressing escape to clear the text field.
  • Pressing escape once should clear the text field. Currently you have to hit escape twice.
  • On selecting a result row, clear the text field.
  • Use https://www.npmjs.com/package/convert-csv-to-json npm package to convert CSV file to JSON

Code Snippets

Remove Pairs

For removing unwanted key-value pair in a list of JSON objects:

for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
	delete data[i]['year'];

View the result:


Right click on the data object and click Copy object in Javascript console.

CSV to JSON Converter

let csvToJson = require('convert-csv-to-json');

let fileInputName = 'test.csv'; 
let fileOutputName = 'test.json';

csvToJson.generateJsonFileFromCsv(fileInputName, fileOutputName);

Tailwind Setup


Node : v18.12.1 npm : 9.3.1 Tailwind : 3.2

See tailwind.html for Inter font family CDN link. See tailwind.config.js for Inter font configuration.

Standalone Tailwind CLI

curl -sLO https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss/releases/download/v3.2.4/tailwindcss-macos-arm64 chmod +x tailwindcss-macos-arm64 mv tailwindcss-macos-arm64 tailwindcss

./tailwindcss init

./tailwindcss -i input.css -o output.css --watch

This is hanging with message: Rebuilding...

./tailwindcss -i input.css -o output.css --minify

Inventive Principles Used

Principle Description
Segmentation Divide a system or object into separate independent parts or sections. Make a system modular so that it becomes easy to put together and take apart
Merging Merge in space - Merge related object to work together in space. HTML centric development.
Nested Doll Allow one object to pass through an appropriate hole in another. Alpine directives.
Prior Action Perform a useful action (either fully or partly) before it is needed. 70 to 90 percent reuse of code.
Other Way Around Turn the process upside down. Declarative style code in HTML.
Dynamize Split a system into parts that are capable of moving relative to each other. CSS and Javascript libraries can be easily integrated.
Partial or Excessive Action If an action is difficult and can be easily done in future, better do it less or partial. Use the customized starter templates for new features.