
Load and analyze FDA Adverse Event Reporting System data with Neo4j

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Performing analytics on healthcare data with graph

Description: Load and analyze FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) data with Neo4j

Nodes 11381 Relationships 61453

Figure 1. Model
Figure 2. Example
Example Query:
MATCH (m:Manufacturer { manufacturerName: $companyName })-[:REGISTERED]->(c:Case)-[:IS_PRIMARY_SUSPECT]->(d:Drug)
RETURN c.gender as gender, c.age as age, c.ageUnit as ageUnit, d.name as drug LIMIT 5


This is for Neo4j version: 4.4

Rendered guide available via: :play https://guides.neo4j.com/sandbox/healthcare-analytics

Load graph data via the following:

Data files: true

Import flat files (csv, json, etc) using Cypher’s LOAD CSV, APOC library, or other methods.

Dump file: data/healthcare-analytics-44.dump

  • Drop the file into the Files section of a project in Neo4j Desktop. Then choose the option to Create new DBMS from dump option from the file options.

  • Use the neo4j-admin tool to load data from the command line with the command below.

bin/neo4j-admin load --from data/healthcare-analytics-44.dump [--database "database"]


Feel free to submit issues or pull requests for improvement on this repository.