
Represents an input image as a collection of polynomial julia sets

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


What is this?

Given an input image, this program breaks the image up into smaller components and then calculates and renders a julia set that approximates each small component.

Based off of the information found in Shapes of Polynomial Julia Sets and Fekete polynomials and shapes of Julia sets.


Use make to build the source files.

Use make demo to run an example.


java Fractalize --scale scale --ratio ratio --maxiters maxiters --lejas lejas --colors colors --cutoff cutoff -i fname

The default settings are --scale 1.0 --ratio 1.0 --maxiters 16 --lejas 80 --colors 4 --cutoff 50 -i in.png. Simply omit one to use its default value.

To do:

redo methods for better style/memory efficiency

rewrite sobel to handle pixel data directly/pass info as pixel data instead of bufferedimage

better realignment method


Fekete polynomials and shapes of Julia sets

Princeton's Complex.java type

someone's sobel operator implementation

someone's k-means implementation