mETL Sublime Snippets

A collection of Sublime Text snippets useful for writing mETL.


For Linux

$ cd ~/.Sublime Text 2/Packages/
$ git clone mETL-Snippets

For Mac OSX

$ cd ~/Libary/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/
$ git clone mETL-Snippets

For Windows

$ cd %APPDATA%/Sublime Text 2/Packages/
$ git clone mETL-Snippets


Snippet Tab trigger
Base base
Source: CSV csvsource
Source: Database dbsource
Source: Fixed Width Text fixedsource
Source: Google Spreadsheet googlesource
Source: JSON jsonsource
Source: Static staticsource
Source: TSV tsvsource
Source: XLS xlssource
Source: XML xmlsource
Source: Yaml ymlsource
Field: Boolean booleanfield
Field: Complex complexfield
Field: Date datefield
Field: Datetime datetimefield
Field: Float floatfield
Field: Integer integerfield
Field: List listfield
Field: String stringfield
Field: Text textfield
Condition: IsBetween isbetween
Condition: IsEmpty isempty
Condition: IsEqual isequal
Condition: IsGreater isgreater
Condition: IsGreaterAndEqual isgreaterandequal
Condition: IsIn isin
Condition: IsInSource isinsource
Condition: IsLess isless
Condition: IsLessAndEqual islessandequal
Condition: IsMatchByRegexp ismatchbyregexp
Statement: If if
Statement: If not ifnot
Statement: If with elif ifwithelif
Statement: If with elifnot ifwithelifnot
Statement: If with else ifwithelse
Transform: Add add
Transform: Clean clean
Transform: ConvertType converttype
Transform: Homogenize homogenize
Transform: LowerCase lowercase
Transform: Map map
Transform: RemoveWordsBySource removewordsbysource
Transform: ReplaceByRegexp replacebyregexp
Transform: ReplaceWordsBySource replacewordsbysource
Transform: Set set
Transform: Split split
Transform: Stem stem
Transform: Strip strip
Transform: Sub sub
Transform: Title title
Transform: UpperCase uppercase
Modifier: JoinByKey joinbykey
Modifier: Order order
Modifier: Set setmodifier
Modifier: Set with function setwithfunction
Modifier: Set with source setwithsource
Modifier: TransformField transformfield
Modifier: SetWithMap setwithmap
Filter: DropByCondition dropbycondition
Filter: DropBySource dropbysource
Filter: DropField dropfield
Filter: KeepByCondition keepbycondition
Expand: Append append
Expand: AppendBySource appendbysource
Expand: Field field
Expand: ListExpander listexpander
Expand: Melt melt
Aggregator: Avg avg
Aggregator: Count count
Aggregator sum
Target: CSV csvtarget
Target: Database dbtarget
Target: Fixed Width Text fixedtarget
Target: JSON jsontarget
Target: Static statictarget
Target: TSV tsvtarget
Target: XLS xlstarget
Target: XML xmltarget
Target: Yaml ymltarget