
Some helper classes for model tuning and testing

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Classes for modelling using scikit-learn

This repo contains python classes that I find helpful for tuning and testing models. They aren't exactly plug-and-play, but have some functionality that has been helpful in my work.


  • Pandas
  • Scikit-learn
  • Numpy
  • xgboost

Indata class

Data container using Pandas DataFrames that can hold out a scoring set and split train/test sets according to specific criteria. Splitter can also be prespecified for more flexibility. Splitters must have split function.

Example usage:

X = np.zeros(shape=(3,4))
y = X[:,0]
d = Indata(X, y)
# default : ShuffleSplit
# specify splitter
sss = StratifiedShuffleSplit(**params)
d.tr_te_split(splitter=sss, y=y)

Tuner class

Reads in Indata class that can be used to tune model hyperparameters.

  • Models currently implemented:
    • linear models (sklearn.linear_model)
    • ensemble models (sklearn.ensemble)
    • xgboost models (xgboost)
    • SVM models (sklearn.svm)
  • Requires a dictionary of parameters for the gridsearch (mparams) and for the cross-validation (cvparams)
  • Can specify the CV method, though not all have been tested (default: K-fold)

The class will store all gridsearch results in a DataFrame and the best parameters in a dictionary keyed by the name of the model (user-provided)

Example usage:

#cv parameters
cvp = dict()
cvp['scoring'] = 'roc_auc'
cvp['n_iter'] = 3
cvp['iid'] = True
cv_method = StratifiedKFold
cv_method = cv_method(n_splits=5, shuffle=True)

#RF model parameters 
model = 'RandomForestClassifier'
mp = dict()
mp['n_estimators'] = ss.nbinom(n=2,p=0.01,loc=100)
mp['max_features'] = ss.beta(a=2,b=5)

d = Indata(X, y)
tune = Tuner(d)
tune.tune(model, features, mp, cv_method=cv_method, cvparams=cvp)

Tester class

Using Indata class and an initiated model will train and test the model on the hold out set.

  • Can read in Tuner class and run best performing hyperparameters
  • Default metrics:
    • Binary target: ROC AUC, F1_score, brier_score_loss
    • Target with more than 2 unique values: MAE, MSE, R^2
  • Can specify metrics as a dictionary
  • Can calibrate binary targets

Example usage:

d = Indata(X, y)
test = Tester(d)
# run tuned (from above)
te.run_model('RandomForestClassifier', tuned=True)
# run untuned
test.run_model('RandomForestClassifier', model=ske.RandomForestClassifier(), features=[0, 1])