
A Vim commit message helper

Primary LanguageVim Script


The goal is a set of nice things that you'd want Vim to do and figure out everytime you open up a commit message, targetting Git, GitHub, and JIRA first.

If vim-fugitive is loaded, this will use it!

What it does

The convention of where I work currently is to put the ticket identifier, which is also the branch name, leading the commit subject as follows:

PRJ-432 Add reply-all to email feature

This finally adds reply-all to email but currently normal "reply"
is still the default.

This will pick up the branch ID, if it can find it, from the default Git commit message template and prepend it to the first line with a following space.


Install with Vim's native package installing or something like vim-plug <https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug> (which I currently use in my NeoVim configuration <https://github.com/bpeebles/dotvim>) add this to your vimrc and run PlugInstall after restarting:

Plug 'bpeebles/vim-commitvention'

What's next

This is my first published Vim plugin so I know it's tiny and may go nowhere. It's useful to me, so there may be more ticketing systems, conventions, and cool stuff coming.


It's on GitHub as vim-commitvention. I'm bpeebles on Twitter and GitHub.


Copyright 2018, Byron Peebles. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See :help license.