
Docker Tutorial

Primary LanguageJava

Goal of the course: 
What is docker? Overview
Docker installation
    - Ubuntu
    - Ubuntu on Windows
    - Mac 
Git installation
Visual Studio Code with Docker plugin.
 1. Images.
 2. Containers.
 3. Docker basic commands.
 4. Docker hub and searching within docker hub.
Use case 1 : Build - > Ship - > Run an httpd instance running an html page.

            a. How to download an image.
            b. How to run a container from the image.
            c. How to run a container directly
            d. How to view containers which are running
            e. How to view images which are installed.
            f. Stopping a container
            g. Starting a container
            h. Removing a container
            i. Removing images.
            j. docker logs.
            k. running on a random port

Use case 2 : Build - > Ship - > Run an nginx instance running an html page.

            a. How to download an image.
            b. How to run a container from the image.
            c. How to run a container directly
            d. How to view containers which are running
            e. How to view images which are installed.
            f. Stopping a container
            g. Starting a container
            h. Removing a container
            i. Removing images.
            j. docker logs.
            k. running on a random port (-P)

Use case 3 : Run a simple java Hello World Program

Use case 4 : Build - > Ship - > Run a tomcat instance
            Show java version
            a. How to download an image.
            b. How to run a container from the image.
            c. How to run a container directly
            d. How to view containers which are running
            e. How to view images which are installed.
            f. Stopping a container
            g. Starting a container
            h. Removing a container
            i. Removing images.
            j. docker logs.

Use case 5 : Build - > Ship : Build a custom image contains CENTS OS, JDK 1.7 and Tomcat 7
            a. Log into the terminal show the installation of the utilities 
            b. docker tag the build
            c. docker tag
            d. docker login and creds stored in WINDOWS C:\Users\<username>\.docker\config.json and in MAC/UNIX in ~/.docker
            e. docker push
Use case 6 : Docker create another image with the war file using the image created in usecase 5
            a. Create another image from the image in Use case 4
            b. Run a container, login to the container, change some setting
            c. docker commit a container as an image
            d. docker push
            e. docker inspect container and image. (docker inspect --format='{{.Id}}' 1c6c4ba72862)

Use case 6 : Mounting logs to the host machines
Use case 7 : Create an image from a container
Use case 8 : Using Docker machine 
Use case 9 : Microservices with docker-compose 

                a. Create a simple microservice with nginx- AngularJS2, Spring-MVC-Hibernate-MYSQL and spawn a container with docker-compose.
                b. Display remote debugging inside the container.
                c. Hot deploy a container.

Use case 10 : Introduction to docker swarm and how to run clusters using docker