
Parallelized implementation of the Sobel Filter on the GAP8

Primary LanguageC

Sobel Filter on GAP8


This is an implementation of the Sobel Filter on the GAP8 platform. Implementation executes in parallel on 8 cluster cores and is both manually and OpenMP parallelized. The repository also contains testing images.

What's in this folder:

Name Description
SobelFilter.c Manually parallelized version
SobelFilter.omp.c OpenMP parallelized version
Makefile make script
README.md Readme file

How to build and execute the application

Setup the GAP SDK by following instructions provided by the GAP team, available on GitHub or GAP8 Manual

After setting up the SDK and running

source sourceme.sh

clone this repository to $(GAP_SDK_HOME)/applications.

You should now be fine with running the application. There are a few parameters to play around with, namely:

  • PMSIS_OS - specifies the underlying OS (freertos or pulpos)
  • platform - specifies whether the application will be run in simulator(gvsoc) or on hardware(board)
  • io - specifies the default output for printf (host or uart)
  • CONFIG_OPENMP - If set to 1 selects OpenMP version. Otherwise, the manually parallelized version is selected (this flag is also used by the GAP_SDK)

Long story short and for example, to compile and run the OpenMP parallelized version, using the simulator, type:

make clean && make PMSIS_OS=freertos platform=gvsoc io=host CONFIG_OPENMP=1 all -j4 && make platform=gvsoc io=host run

Input image can be switched by changing the filename under the appropriate variable in source files:

char *in_image_file_name = "valve.pgm";

Currently, image dimensions are hardcoded and all of the example images are of the appropriate size.


Running this app in the simulator should output something like this in Shell:

	 *** Sobel Filter (OMP) ***

Main FC entry point
Image ../../../valve.pgm:  [W: 320, H: 240] Bytes per pixel 1, HeaderSize: 15
320 240

Image ../../../valve.pgm, [W: 320, H: 240], Bytes per pixel 1, Size: 76800 bytes, Loaded successfully
Main cluster entry point
Total cycles: 7997969
Path to output image: ../../../img_out.ppm
Writing image  [#                             ]
Writing image  [####                          ]
Writing image  [#######                       ]
Writing image  [###########                   ]
Writing image  [##############                ]
Writing image  [#################             ]
Writing image  [#####################         ]
Writing image  [########################      ]
Writing image  [###########################   ]
Cluster closed, over and out

Output (processed) image img_out.ppm will be in the app folder.