A curated collection of color name, style & theme hex codes.
This project is language agnostic; all color mappings are stored in JSON format.
All JSON style files are located in the color-names directory.
Color Style | Description | Created By |
Solarized | Precision colors for machines and people. | Ethan Schoonover |
Monokai | A port of the theme for TextMate. | Wimer Hazenberg |
Tomorrow Night | A bright theme with pastel colors. | Chris Kempson |
X11 | Standardized X11 color names from the X.org source code. | X.Org Foundation |
Xterm 256 | Xterm 256 color names. | |
HTML | Legal color names in HTML 4, XHTML 1.0, 1.1 | W3C |
CSS | Legal color names in CSS 4. | W3C |
Crayons | Crayola (R) crayon colors. | Crayola |
Chalk | Hipster chalkboard look and feel. | Nick Georgiou |
Better Colors | A nicer color palette for the web. | MRMRS |
Python is included for testing & continuous integration purposes only.
This work is free of known copyright restrictions.