A small tool I use to receive data from my self-built IOT sensors. Probably not really useful to anyone else besides me. One day I might create a proper PCB design and publish that as well, along with the (rather simplistic) arduino code.
Until then - data is received through an NRF24L01 SPI radio board by a small hub, built on a 8Mhz, 3.3V Arduino Pro Mini clone. The receiver is outputting the data through its UART, connected to a computer via a CP210x USB/serial dongle, and read by this serial monitor script. Data is pushed to an MQTT server and then used by Home Assistant.
I use docker for simplicity, also to avoid writing init scripts or systemd unit files; but the script of course just runs fine on its own as well.
Create an .env file along witht he docker-compose.yaml, and specify the MQTT server address in it, e.g.:
Then simply bring up the container with docker-compose up -d