
Sample app using the Tauri Mobile Alpha version with a Deno app

Primary LanguageKotlin

Tauri Deno Mobile (Android) Sample

For building Android apps on MacOS, using Tauri and Solidjs

Heavy inspiration from Tauri Deno Starter!

Environment Setup

Assuming you have already installed latest Deno and Rust...

Install full xcode (Maybe optional?)

I had to install this to run cargo mobile and cargo android, which I mistakenly used first. So maybe cargo tauri android gets around this? I haven't uninstalled it, so not sure if it's actually necessary.

When I was running cargo mobile, it made me use the full xcode instead of xcode-select, because it was trying to build for iOS. So maybe that is required as well, not sure.

Install Tauri Beta Version (with Mobile)

Since it's beta, just make sure to specifically tag the version when installing Tauri: cargo install tauri-cli@2.0.0-beta.{release version here}

Android Stuff

Basically following the getting started guide, installing thrigs via cargo when possible, and ignoring the any npm stuff.

Downloaded Android Studio...

The download for NDK was in: Android Studio > Tools > SDK Manager > Android SDK > SDK TOOLS

I installed:

  • Android SDK Build-TOols
  • NDK (Side by side)
  • Android Emulator
  • Android SDK Platform-Tools

Then found NDK version via ls $HOME/Library/Android/sdk/ndk

My env variables ended up looking like this:

export JAVA_HOME="/Applications/Android Studio.app/Contents/jre/Contents/Home"
export ANDROID_HOME="$HOME/Library/Android/sdk"
export NDK_HOME="$ANDROID_HOME/ndk/25.1.8937393"

Project Setup

How we got the repo to this point...

  • build /gen dir: cargo tauri init (recc to delete, rebuild after updating Carto.toml and tauri.conf.json with your app identifiers)
    • points to ../src/www
    • beforeDevCommand: deno run -A scripts/main.ts dev
    • beforeBuildCommand: deno run -A scripts/main.ts build
    • host: http://localhost:3000
  • Added Deno Files
    • scripts/main.ts: build script, using esbuild
  • Prevent screen rotation by modifying /gen/android/app/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml:
    • adds android:screenOrientation


Available tasks are in the deno.json file. Run like so: deno task dev