
Literal Programming for R packages

Primary LanguageTeX


This project is inspired by the keynote talk Literate Programming given by Donald Knuth at the useR! conference. The goal is to provide a show-case on how literate programming can be used for the creation of R packages. As such, the resultant R package hiker (pronounce: 'hike-R') should be viewed as a toy-example for an implementation of the methods proposed by Palshikar for peak detection in time-series (see Paper on Researchgate).


The processing of the noweb-file 'hiker.Rnw' and the resultant package creation is accomplished by the 'Makefile'. In order to do so, the R packages devtools (for roxygenizing the man-pages from the R-source files) and Rnoweb (for processing the noweb-file) are required. The former can be installed for instance from CRAN and the latter is provided as a source tarball within this project for the user's convenience. Unfortunately, Rnoweb has not been released on CRAN, but a detailed description is made available on Ross Ihaka's Rnoweb-site. Finally, the LaTeX-file 'noweb.sty' is required for processing the 'hiker.tex'. This style file is part of the noweb bundle and provided within this project, too. Hence, it should suffice to have a running R installtion, cloning this project and running 'make'.

Status quo and ToDo's

By now, the skeleton of the 'noweb-file' has been created and the 'Makefile' has been drafted such that the package hiker is build and checked and the 'pdf-file' of the package in terms of a literate program is created. What remains to be done, is to finish the write-up of the package and make the LP accessible as a vignette.