
SystemVerilog support in VS Code

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status

SystemVerilog - Language Support

This VS Code extension provides features to read, navigate and write SystemVerilog code much faster.


  • Elaborate syntax highlighting
  • Go to symbol in document (Ctrl+Shift+O)
  • Go to symbol in workspace folder (indexed modules/interfaces/programs/classes/packages) (Ctrl+T)
  • Go to definition (works for module/interface/program/class/package names and for ports too!) (Ctrl+LeftClick)
  • Quick-start on already indexed workspaces
  • Code snippets for many common blocks
  • Instantiate module from already indexed module
  • Linter capabilites with simulators (more info on the wiki)
  • Fast real-time error identification through an integrated SystemVerilog parser and IntelliSense (fully accurate to IEEE Standard 1800-2017)
  • If you find a bug or would like a feature, request it as an Issue or submit a Pull Request


Syntax Highlighting

Syntax Highlighting Example

Go To Definition

Go To Definition Example

Module Instantiation

Module Instantiation Example


  • If you have netlists in your workspace you can exclude them in the settings, e.g.: **/syn/**
  • Disclaimer: This is not a functional tool that will compile and simulate HDL, but it will make it easier and more user-friendly to write and navigate SystemVerilog and Verilog.


  • systemverilog.includeIndexing: Array, Globs defining files to be indexed
  • systemverilog.disableIndexing: Boolean, Disable indexing
  • systemverilog.excludeIndexing: String, Exclude files from indexing based on glob
  • systemverilog.parallelProcessing: Integer, Number of files to process in parallel during indexing
  • systemverilog.antlrVerification: Boolean, Use ANTLR parser to verify code in real-time
  • systemverilog.launchConfiguration: String, Command to run when launching verilator
    • Default: verilator --sv --lint-only --language 1800-2012 --Wall
    • If not in path, replace verilator with the appropriate command
  • systemverilog.compileOnSave: Boolean, Compile files when saved
    • Default: true
  • systemverilog.compilerType: String, Dropdown list to select a compiler type
    • Default: Verilator
  • systemverilog.trace.server: String, Dropdown to select verbosity of LSP message tracing

Known Issues

  • Initial indexation might hog CPU/RAM when looking through files in very large workspaces


  • Tree view of module hierarchy
  • References document
  • IntelliSense support (CompletionProvider)
  • Back-end Language server for Systemverilog
  • Update workspace state to save to storagePath


  • If you want to contribute with the project please fork this repository, clone it, make changes (preferably in a branch other than master) and finally create a Pull Request (more details here).
  • To debug the extension locally first install the required dependencies (in the repository's root directory):
npm install
  • Then compile the project at least once (this will generate the SystemVerilog lexer and parser in src\compiling\ANTLR\grammar\build):
npm run compile
  • Finally, run the "Client + Server" run configuration: Debug configuration

Release Notes

See the changelog for more details


  • Syntax Highlighting Overhaul, thanks to jecassis
  • Smaller extension footprint, thanks to jecassis
  • Support for external formatter, thanks to jecassis
  • Documentation upgrade, thanks to jecassis
  • Dev update with ESLint, Prettier and tests update, thanks to jecassis


  • Folders outside the workspace can now be included with systemverilog.includeIndexing
  • It now saves the indexed database between runs, allowing quickstart on previous workspaces


  • Increased the number of symbols the parser understands.
  • Extensive bug squashing


  • Compile an opened document using Verilator simulator, display errors/warnings as Diagnostics in documents, thanks to oehaddouchi
  • Compile documents on save feature using Verilator simulator
  • Added output channel SystemVerilog
  • Added an LSP, set it to communicate with the extension's client
  • Keep track of the recently used modules in the indexer
  • Added diagnostic support for VCS compiler


  • Instantiate module from already indexed module, thanks to oehaddouchi
  • Update to documentSymbolProvider


  • Stability and performance upgrade
  • PCRE Regexes


  • HoverProvider added, thanks to toastedcornflakes
  • Improvements to DocumentSymbolProvider to better support Hover


  • Added setting to exclude folders from indexing


  • DefinitionProvider fetching from indexed modules implemented
  • Indexing is now more safe, and will work for large workspaces


  • Alpha 2 release with expanded syntax highlighting and snippets
  • Indexing of every module/interface/program/class in workspace


  • Alpha 1 release with syntax highlighting, and go to symbols