
combine fzf with some simple indexing (copied from ctrlp)

Primary LanguageVim Script

FZF + Indexing


A very simple indexing tool for fzf. Useful if you have lots of files or if you have a directory mounted via sshfs and indexing is very slow.

You have to provide a few definitions in your .vimrc for it to work:

let g:fzf_index_cache_dir = $HOME.'/.cache/fzf_index'
let g:fzf_index_clear_cache_on_exit = 0
let g:fzf_index_user_command = 'rg -L --no-ignore-vcs --ignore-file ~/.rgignore --files'


Run the following commands (or map them to a keybinding

Use g:fzf_index_user_command to build a cache if it doesn't exist, or read files from cache if they do exist:


Explicitly delete the cache file (so that next time you call FZFIndex it will rebuild the cache:


A combination of the above 2 commands - clear the cache and run FZFIndex all at once:
