Take your next project by STORM: Sensible, Transaction-based, Object Relational Mapping.

Primary LanguageJava

Project 1 - Custom Object Relational Mapping Framework


Your first project will be to create a custom object relational mapping (ORM) framework. This framework will allow for a simplified and SQL-free interaction with the relational data source. The requirements of the project are purposefully vague, the intention is to allow for you to be creative in your implementation of this framework. There are many ways that this task can be approached, and you are encouraged to explore existing Java ORM implementations in order to get some inspiration. Some suggested features that your ORM can provide are:

  1. provide developers the option of file-based and programmatic configuration of entities

  2. Programmatic persistence of entities (basic CRUD support)

  3. Basic transaction management (begin, commit, savepoint, rollback)

  4. Connection pooling

  5. Lightweight session creation

  6. Session-based caching to minimize calls to the database

  7. Multithreading support for executing queries

Tech Stack

  • Java 8
  • JUnit
  • Apache Maven
  • PostGreSQL deployed on AWS RDS
  • Git SCM (on GitHub)


Take Your Next Project By STORM

  • Sensible
  • Transaction-based
  • Object
  • Relational
  • Mapping


  • Automatic connection/thread pooling built into the entity manager
  • Simple and quick five-step configuration to begin persisting entities
  • Transaction based sql queries abstracted away from the user
  • Build on top of Hibernate and JPA interfaces for ease of portability


  1. Package/install the jar and add the following maven dependencies
  2. Create a .properties file with the following basic options to configure your connection provider
    • jdbcUrl=url
    • username=username
    • password=password
    #Example h2.properties file
  3. Flag entities you want to manage with the @Entity annotation.
    • Managed Entities must be POJO objects
    • Entity Constructors must use Object/Wrapper types
    • You can set the desired schema in @Entity(schema = "schemaName")
    • You can flag a primary integer id with the @Id annotation
  4. Create a new EntityManager object and pass the constructor your file path
    • the EntityManager will act as your custom profile for that properties file
    • it contains all the connection/thread pooling
    • it will handle all the mapping/caching for you
  5. Begin persisting objects
    • calling entityManager.persist(Object) will begin managing the object for you
    • it will create the table if it does not already exist and add the object to the persistence context
    • for full documentation and guidelines, check the javaDoc

Project Roadmap

  • Version
    • 0.1 - Minimum Viable Product : Released - 03/25/2021
      • Users can persist, retrieve, update and delete simple POJO objects via the EntityManager
      • Users can generate their own prepared statements/queries for any object with the loosely coupled StatementPreparer
      • Automated but non-configurable connection/thread pooling
    • 0.2 - Caching : Projected Release - 03/29/2021
      • Users will notice increased performance thanks to the caching of objects in an in memory persistence context.
    • 0.3 - Enhanced Configuration Options : Projected Release - 03/29/2021
      • Users will be able to add their desired thread and connection pool size in their .properties file
    • 0.4 - Relationships and Complex Objects : Projected Release - 04/02/2021
      • Users will be able to persist objects that have relationships or complex nested objects such as lists.
    • 0.5 - Schema Customization : Projected Release - 04/04/2021
      • Users will now be able to utilize multiple schemas in the same persistence context
      • The @Entity annotation will allow for the schema name of the entity

Init Instructions

  • Create a new repository within this organization (naming convention: orm_name_p1; with orm_name being replaced by the name of your custom library)


  • finalized version of library must be pushed to personal repository within this organization by the presentation date (March 26th, 2021)
  • 10-15 minute live demonstration of the implemented features using a demo application to showcase the ORM's functionality