Open Table Service


Open Table Service is a restaurant reservation platform where users can browse for restaurants and reserve seating. The platform provides implementation for standard usages such as authentication, authorization, viewing, updating, and deleting resources. The application provides workflows for three (2) types of users, registered users, and administrators. Visitors can register for an account. Registered users can browse and reserve seating. They can also update and delete their own reservations, as well as edit their profile information and like/favorite restaurants. Administrators can perform all operations on all resources.

User Stories

As a visitor I can... As a registered user I can... As an administrator I can...
Register for an account Authenticate my account Authenticate my account
Search restaurant listings Search restaurant listings
Create reservations View a user's reservations
Update my reservations Update a user's reservations
Cancel my reservations Cancel a user's reservations
Edit my profile
Like/Favorite a restaurant