
A minimal example project for Dear ImGui with SDL and SDL_Image using CMake and Git submodules to keep everything self-contained.

Primary LanguageC++


A minimal example project for Dear ImGui with SDL and SDL_image using CMake and Git submodules to keep everything self-contained.

example gif


Assumes you've already setup your build toolchain if using CLion

  • Clone the repository thusly to also fetch the submodule repositories
# if you're using a relatively recent version of git:
$ git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/bploeckelman/sdl_image.git

# otherwise:
$ git clone https://github.com/bploeckelman/sdl_imgui.git
$ cd sdl_imgui
$ git submodule update --init
  • Open the cloned folder in an IDE like Clion and cross your fingers while CMake does it's business...

  • Run the default sdl_imgui run configuration and hopefully everything just works!


Finding useful examples of getting SDL up and running in a self-contained way, (ie. without downloading a set of pre-built development binaries, setting up search paths, etc...) has been a real annoyance over the years.

Setting up a repository to include the source for the required libraries as git submodules seems to be a reasonable alternative, but getting SDL and ImGui to play nice with each other using this has been harder than it seems like it should be, so I setup this minimal example project that works out of the box (normal caveats apply, works on my machine, etc...)

This may or may not be a good way to set this stuff up, but on the off chance that it can help others who were running into similar problems to me, then great!


I opened and closed a lot of browser tabs during the development of this repo, here are some that I still have open and found at least somewhat valuable...


  • If using a 32-bit Visual Studio toolchain, there's a symbol conflict on __ftol2_sse between SDL and the Microsoft C runtime (MSVCRT)
    • This can be fixed by adding the following to libs/sdl/CMakeLists.txt: add_definitions(-DHAVE_LIBC)
    • A better solution that doesn't require any changes to the library sources is to just get a 64 bit Visual Studio for your toolchain
  • SDL_image isn't really used in this example but I wanted to have a working example for my own projects. Setting up stb_image would probably be better, though it's a bit more advanced to use so that's left as an exercise for the reader.
  • CMake deletes libs/sdl_image/external/zlib-1.2.11/zconf.h during the build process, leaving the libs/sdl_image dependency in a modified state.
    • This doesn't cause any problems with the build, but it is unsatisfying to have an unstaged change just hanging out in git.
    • There may also be some modifications to libs/sdl_image in the Xcode/Frameworks/webp.framework subdirectories but I was able to revert these in the submodule folder and they didn't come back, so ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
    • Added a flag to .gitmodules to ignore a dirty state for libs/sdl_image which 'solves' this problem. (open to other suggestions for how to handle these)
  • SDL and SDL_image are statically linked
    • I know there are issues with this but I find it more convenient than setting up CMake custom commands to copy shared libs into build folders as a post-build step in order to run while developing.

If you'd rather link things dynamically, the following changes may work (untested):

## Remove the cmake variables that trigger static compilation

## Change the target_link_libraries call to use the non-static SDL2 lib
target_link_libraries(sdl_imgui opengl32 SDL2 SDL2_image imgui)

## NOTE: not sure off the top of my head what cmake vars to use to pick out the correct dll name, so this is windows / debug only

## copy SDL2 dll to the build directory
set(SDL2_DLL "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/libs/sdl/SDL2d.dll")
            TARGET sdl_imgui POST_BUILD
            COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy

## copy SDL_image dll and associated dlls to the build directory
set(SDL_IMAGE_DLL "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/libs/sdl_image/SDL2_image.dll")
set(SDL_IMAGE_PNG_DLL "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/libs/sdl_image/external/libpng-1.6.37/libpng16d.dll")
set(SDL_IMAGE_ZLIB_DLL "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/libs/sdl_image/external/zlib-1.2.11/zlibd1.dll")
            TARGET sdl_imgui POST_BUILD
            COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy