
JSON assertions for PHPUnit (including JSON Schema)

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JSON assertions for PHPUnit includes traits/methods to help validate your JSON data through various methods.


  • Validate your JSON data via JSON Schema
    • describes your existing data format
    • clear, human- and machine-readable documentation
    • complete structural validation, useful for
      • automated testing
      • validating client-submitted data
    • See more details here
  • Access JSON data through expressions (e.g. foo.bar[3])
    • See more details here


$ composer require estahn/phpunit-json-assertions --dev

or in your composer.json:

    "require-dev": {
        "estahn/phpunit-json-assertions": "@stable"


Assert Description Available in
assertJsonMatchesSchema Asserts that json content is valid according to the provided schema file All
assertJsonMatchesSchemaString Asserts that json content is valid according to the provided schema string All
assertJsonValueEquals Asserts if the value retrieved with the expression equals the expected value All
assertJsonValueEquals Asserts if the value retrieved with the expression equals the expected value All
assertJsonResponse Asserts that a response is successful and of type json Symfony


You can either use the trait or class version.



namespace EnricoStahn\JsonAssert\Tests;

use EnricoStahn\JsonAssert\Assert as JsonAssert;

class MyTestCase extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    use JsonAssert;

    public function testJsonDocumentIsValid()
        // my-schema.json
        // {
        //   "type" : "object",
        //   "properties" : {
        //     "foo" : {
        //       "type" : "integer"
        //     }
        //   },
        //   "required" : [ "foo" ]
        // }

        $json = json_decode('{"foo":1}');

        $this->assertJsonMatchesSchema($json, './my-schema.json');
        $this->assertJsonValueEquals(1, '* | [0]', $json);


In case you don't want to use the trait you can use the provided class wich extends from \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase. You can either extend your test case or use the static methods like below.


namespace EnricoStahn\JsonAssert\Tests;

use EnricoStahn\JsonAssert\AssertClass as JsonAssert;

class MyTestCase extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    public function testJsonDocumentIsValid()
        // my-schema.json
        // {
        //   "type" : "object",
        //   "properties" : {
        //     "foo" : {
        //       "type" : "integer"
        //     }
        //   },
        //   "required" : [ "foo" ]
        // }

        $json = json_decode('{"foo":1}');

        JsonAssert::assertJsonMatchesSchema($json, './my-schema.json');
        JsonAssert::assertJsonValueEquals(1, '* | [0]', $json);

Schema storage

The schema storage of justinrainbow/json-schema allows to register schemas which will effectively override the actual schema location.


{"$ref" : "https://iglu.foobar.com/myschema.json#/definitions/positiveInteger"}

The resolver will fetch the schema from this endpoint and match the JSON document against it. Using schema storage you're able to override this behaviour.

$schemastorage->addSchema('https://iglu.foobar.com/myschema.json', (object)['type' => 'string']);

With this in place the resolver will take the schema that is already in place without downloading it again.


namespace EnricoStahn\JsonAssert\Tests;

use EnricoStahn\JsonAssert\AssertClass as JsonAssert;

class MyTestCase extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    public function setUp()
        self::$schemaStorage = new SchemaStorage();
        self::$schemaStorage->addSchema('<id>', obj);
    public function testJsonDocumentIsValid()
        // my-schema.json
        // {
        //   "type" : "object",
        //   "properties" : {
        //     "foo" : {
        //       "type" : "integer"
        //     }
        //   },
        //   "required" : [ "foo" ]
        // }

        $json = json_decode('{"foo":1}');

        JsonAssert::assertJsonMatchesSchema($json, './my-schema.json');
        JsonAssert::assertJsonValueEquals(1, '* | [0]', $json);


phpunit-json-assertions provides extensions for simpler handling in different use cases.

Symfony HttpFoundation Component

The extension EnricoStahn\JsonAssert\Extension\Symfony allows to pass in the actual response object generated by the symfony framework and takes care of the decoding part.


use EnricoStahn\JsonAssert\Assert as JsonAssert;

// ...

$content = $response->getContent();
$json = json_decode($content);
JsonAssert::assertJsonMatchesSchemaString('./my-schema.json', $json);


use EnricoStahn\JsonAssert\Extension\Symfony as JsonAssert;

// ...

JsonAssert::assertJsonMatchesSchemaString('./my-schema.json', $response);


To run the test suite, you need composer.

$ composer install
$ bin/phpunit

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The phpunit-json-assertions library is licensed under the MIT.

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