
OAI client for Elasticsearch

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Image Copyright (C) OAI

OAI Client for Elasticsearch Travis

The Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) client allows to harvest metadata into Elasticsearch.

This application for Elasticsearch can run as a feeder in a standalone JVM, and connects to a remote cluster.

It harvests DC / XML / RDF formats from OAI data providers (OAI servers).

A list of OAI servers can be found here The metadata is internally represented as resources, using Resource Description Framework (RDF) of the W3C Semantic Web Initiative, before the resources are serialized into JSON for Elasticsearch schema-less indexing.


Elasticsearch version Plugin Release date
1.5.1 Apr 22, 2015
1.2.1 Jun 10, 2014
1.1.0 Apr 24, 2014
1.1.0 May 10, 2014


mkdir -p lib bin
cd lib
curl -O 'xbib.org/repository/org/xbib/elasticsearch/plugin/elasticsearch-oai/'
cd ..
<create a bash feed.sh script in bin folder>
<add log4j2.xml to bin folder>

Project docs

The Maven project site is available at Github


All feedback is welcome! If you find issues, please post them at Github


A feeder is a standalone application that can push data into a remote Elasticsearch cluster and runs outside an Elasticsearch node. This push mode is similar to Logstash, which is a data pipeline tool that can prepare event-based data for Elasticsearch.

You can create a feeder script for example for indexing the Arxiv repository:


where the shell script has the content::


# cron?
tty -s
if [ "$?" -gt "0" ]
    # assume this working dir in $HOME
    cd $HOME/oai-tool
    pwd="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )"


# arxiv.org is throttling to 20sec by HTTP Status 503 retry-after.
# concurrency should be 1.

echo '
    "uri" : [
    "concurrency" : 1,
    "elasticsearch" : {
        "cluster" : "elasticsearch",
        "host" : "localhost",
        "port" : 9300
    "index" : "arxiv",
    "type" : "arxiv",
    "maxbulkactions" : 1000,
    "maxconcurrentbulkrequests" : 1,
    "mock" : true,
    "timewindow" : "yyyyMMddHH",
    "aliases" : true,
    "ignoreindexcreationerror" : true

' | ${java} \
    -cp ${lib}/\*:${bin}/\* \
    -Dlog4j.configurationFile=${bin}/log4j2.xml \
    org.xbib.tools.Runner \

Before running, please check where your Java 8 installation is located, and fix the java variable setting.

More examples can be found in the bin folder of the repository.


The logging can be controlled by the log4j2.xml file in the bin folder.


uri - a list of URLs for harvesting

concurrency - how many URLs should be processed simultaneously

elasticsearch - connection data for a node in an Elasticsearch cluster

index - the name of the Elasticsearch index

type - the name of the Elasticsearch index type

maxbulkactions - the maximum number of actions in a bulk request

maxconcurrentbulkrequests - the maximum number of concurrent bulk requests

mock - set to true if harvested docs should not be indexed but logged instead

timewindow - appendix for index name if date-stamp is wanted, like yyyyMMddHH

aliases - set index aliases automatically

ignoreindexcreationerror - if true, do not fail with error when index already exists


Elasticsearch OAI Client

Copyright (C) 2014 Jörg Prante

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.