
Simulates oss resource allocation and deadlock avoidance. Randomly forks off children, reads resource request from a message queue, and calculates if system is in a safe state. Creates a clock structure in shared memory to track time. All events performed are recorded in a log file called log.txt by default or in a file designated by the -l option. To set the timer to termante the program, it uses a -t option.

Primary LanguageC

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\f0\fs24 \cf0 Briton Powe\
OS - Assignment 5\
This program simulates resource management with deadlock avoidance. Deadlock avoidance is\
achieved by implementing the banker\'92s algorithm. All actions by oss is logged in logfile.txt\
To run the program enter:\
To run it with verbose (Allocation Table printed in logfile):\
./oss -v\
The default name for the log file is \'93logfile.txt\'94 and default run time is 2 real seconds.\
The name of the log file can be changed with the -l option and the default run time can \
be changed with -t option.\
When user processes make a choice, it is done so with a random number (1-100) inclusive.\
- 60% chance for requesting a resource for allocation.\
- 30% chance for releasing a resource\
- 10% chance for terminating\
When a user process has its request denied by oss, it becomes blocked. A user process \
does not change its choice until it is granted. This increases the chance that a lot resource\
requests to be blocked in the later half of the program.\
When verbose is turn on, the lines printed by the table are not counted. This will make the\
log file longer than 10,000 lines. \
Oss statistics are printed at the end of the log file.\
For the banker\'92s algorithm, the code was refactored from the following link:\