
Python library for computing Richter local magnitude scales on BPPTKG seismic network

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


bpptkg-richter is a Python library for computing Richter local magnitude scales on BPPTKG seismic network.


Install using pip:

pip install -U bpptkg-richter

Richter Magnitude Scales

You may want to install ObsPy package, because this package only work on ObsPy stream type. Default network is VG and default component is Z:

from obspy import read
import richter

# Read single station or multiple stations streams
stream = read('/path/to/stream.mseed')

# Compute Richter local magnitude for station MEPAS
ml = richter.compute_ml(stream, 'MEPAS', network='VG', component='Z')

# Compute Wood-Anderson zero-to-peak amplitude in meter for station MEPAS
wa_ampl = richter.compute_wa(stream, 'MEPAS', network='VG', component='Z')

# Compute count amplitude peak-to-peak for station MEPAS
app = richter.compute_app(stream, 'MEPAS', network='VG', component='Z')

or for short:

from obspy import read
import richter

stream = read('/path/to/stream.mseed')

ml = richter.compute_ml(stream, 'MEPAS')
wa_ampl = richter.compute_wa(stream, 'MEPAS')
app = richter.compute_app(stream, 'MEPAS')

For current version, on computing local magnitude (compute_ml) and Wood-Anderson amplitude(compute_wa), the only supported component is Z component.

compute_app support other components, for example:

app = richter.compute_app(stream, 'MELAB', component='E')


Full documentation and guides are available at docs/ directory and online at https://bpptkg-richter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/.


By contributing to the project, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under its MIT license. See LICENSE for details.