An AngularJS module that simplifies common tasks when writing Angular apps for SharePoint, such as getting user profile properties and getting an always-current request digest value for use in post and put requests. At this time, the module contains these two components than can be injected into your components:
- userProfileService
- requestDigestService
More components will be added over time.
Download the angular-sharepoint-toolkit.js
file and reference it with a script tag after the angular reference in your html file. Then reference the module in your app module definition.
var app = angular.module('spUserProfileServiceExample', ['sharePointToolkit']);
The following steps in this guide assume the above steps are completed. Below, you will find a reference for how to use the components in this module.
A service that makes getting SharePoint user profile properties easier. The Angular service calls the SharePoint rest API to get the current user's properties and returns an object with the properties as functions of the object. The service only performs a lookup in the array of key value pairs returned from the API when the user property desired is referenced as a function on the object.
.then(function(response) {
// Note: properties that contain a hyphen in SP will be the same name without the hyphen
vm.userProfile.jobTitle = response.SPSJobTitle();
vm.userProfile.firstName = response.FirstName();
}, function(error) {
See app.js for an example. Remember, this code must run from within a SharePoint site since it calls the SharePoint API.
1.. Inject the userProfileService into your controller/service/factory
exampleController.$inject = ['userProfileService'];
function exampleController(userProfileService) { ... }
2.. Call the getUserProfile() async method of the userProfileService
.then(success, error);
3.. Access the properties of the response object by calling the properties as functions
function success(response) {
var firstName = response.FirstName();
Note: The user properties whose key contains a hyphen will be stripped of the hyphen when the property is created on the object. Reference these function properties by the same name without the hyphen.
// the property returned is called SPS-JobTitle
var title = response.SPSJobTitle();
You can add more properties to be returned from the userProfileService. Here are the properties returned by default.
To add more properties or to modify the existing properties, override the spUserProfileConfig
object to add/change/remove properties from the properties
var app = angular.module('yourModule', ['spUserProfile'])
.config(['spUserProfileConfig', function(spUserProfileConfig) {'yourCustomProperty');'yourOtherCustomProperty');
// etc... just remember properties is an array of strings
If you want to modify the URL that the request for properties uses, set the url
property of the spUserProfileConfig
var app = angular.module('yourModule', ['spUserProfile'])
.config(['spUserProfileConfig', function(spUserProfileConfig) {
spUserProfileConfig.url = '';
A service that makes working with post and put requests easier by making sure the request digest value is always fresh (has not timed out since the user last reloaded the page). The default timeout period for the digest value is 30 minutes. Once the digest value has expired, any requests made with it will return a 403 Forbidden error. This service will get a new request digest value in the background each time the value is about to expire. All you have to do is inject the service and use requestDigestService.requestDigest
for the value of your 'X-RequestDigest' header.
1.. Inject the requestDigestService
into your controller/service/factory
exampleController.$inject = ['requestDigestService'];
function exampleController(requestDigestService) { ... }
2.. In your http request, set the 'X-RequestDigest' header value using the service property
method: 'POST',
url: 'http://someDomain',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json;odata=verbose',
'Accept': 'application/json;odata=verbose',
'X-RequestDigest': requestDigestService.requestDigest
data: yourData