

This script assists in creating metrics and loading measurement data into TrueSight Intelligence.

  • tsi-bulkmetrics_vx.x.py - main script
  • metric.json - metric configuration file


  • Only works with Python 3.x (Python 2.x compatibility coming soon...)
  • Libraries: pandas, requests, argparse, datetime

What the script does

  • Creates TSI metrics from the command line by parsing the metric.json file
  • Loads measurement data in bulk (DEFAULT: 500 measures at once) from an Excel file

There are some limitations, however

  • Currently, it only reads two columns from the Excel file. A timestamp column and a measurement column.


Create a Metric

python3 tsi-bulkmetrics_vx.x.py metric -f metric.json -e myemail@email.com -k my-api-key-goes-here

Send Measurements

python3 tsi-bulkmetrics_vx.x.py measures -s Remedy -m MY_COOL_METRIC -a MyApp -e myemail@email.com -k my-api-key-goes-here -tscol myts -valcol metric_name -f /path/to/measurements.xlsx

Options for Creating a Metric

usage: tsi-bulkmetrics_vx.x.py metric [-h] -k APIKEY -e EMAIL -f METRICFILE

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k APIKEY, --apikey APIKEY
                        TrueSight Intelligence API Key
  -e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
                        TrueSight Intelligence Account Email
  -f METRICFILE, --metricfile METRICFILE
                        File containing metric JSON definition

Options for Sending Measurements

usage: tsi-bulkmetrics_vx.x.py measures [-h] -k APIKEY -e EMAIL -f MEASURESFILE -s
                                   SOURCE -m METRICNAME -a APPID
                                   [-tscol TSCOL] [-valcol VALCOL]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k APIKEY, --apikey APIKEY
                        TrueSight Intelligence API Key
  -e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
                        TrueSight Intelligence Account Email
                        Excel file containing measurement data
  -s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
                        Measurement source (e.g. MyServer)
  -m METRICNAME, --metricname METRICNAME
                        Name of Metric (e.g. MY_COOL_METRIC)
  -a APPID, --appid APPID
                        TrueSight Intelligence App ID
  -tscol TSCOL          Column name of timestamp data. DEFAULT: ts
  -valcol VALCOL        Column name of measure data. DEFAULT: value