
Development Ubuntu XFCE4 machine with IntelliJ CE , Java, Python (miniconda) and Scala

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Vagrant dev machine for scala/java/python


This is a vagrant project to build and spin up a VM with the following: -

  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Java 8 (OpenJDK)
  • XFCE4 desktop
  • Apache Spark (2.3.3)
  • IntelliJ : -
    • Scala IDE
    • pycharm
  • Firefox
  • Python (3) Miniconda installation

Getting Started

  1. Download and install VirtualBox
  2. Download and install Vagrant.
  3. Go to releases and download and extract the latest source of this project.
  4. In your terminal change your directory into the project directory (i.e. cd vagrant-dev-machine )
  5. Run vagrant up to create the VM.
  6. Execute vagrant ssh to login to the VM or login to XFCE via virtualbox.
  7. You will need to shutdown (shutdown -P now) and restart (vagrant up) to get a graphical prompt via virtualbox - logon using vagrant/vagrant.

NOTE This machine will take a significant time to provision initially whilst it downloads and builds the packages required.

User id

The user id of the VM is vagrant with a password of vagrant.

Shared Folder

Vagrant automatically mounts the folder containing the Vagrant file from the host machine into the guest machine as /vagrant inside the guest.

Managment of Vagrant VM

To stop the VM and preserve all setup/data within the VM: -

vagrant halt


vagrant suspend

Issue a vagrant up command again to restart the VM from where you left off.

To completely wipe the VM so that vagrant up command gives you a fresh machine: -

vagrant destroy

Then issue vagrant up command as usual.


A nicer version of vim is also installed, use :PluginInstall to install the plugins from within vim itself: -

  • indentpython.vim Proper indentation for Python source.
  • vim-scala scala synatax highlighting and indentation.
  • nerdtree file manager (CTRL-N).
  • vim-airline nice status line.
  • vim-airline-themes themes for above.
  • ctrl-p - ctrl-p fuzzy file matcher.
  • vim-instant-markdown vim markdown syntax and previewer.

Known Issues/To Do

  1. Running vagrant provision multiple times can cause issues - need to fix.
  2. Java heapsize in Eclipse needs to be adjusted to run Scala IDE - Eclipse shows you how to do this on first startup.
  3. You may need to manually set video memory to > 16Mb in virtualbox gui in order to allow full screen operation.


Thanks to Budhaditya for the silent eclipse install script.