
Repo of tools to create features that funimation is missing such as deleting the history of a whole show.

Primary LanguagePython


Repo of tools to create features that funimation is missing such as deleting the history of a whole show.

Getting your session token and CSRF Token

WARNING Please keep in mind that your session token and CSRF token are all that is needed to make requests to funimation on your behalf. Giving these tokens to someone else is the equivalent of giving them your username and password. Please don't enter these on any sites or give them out. The scripts in this repository ONLY make requests to funimation servers directly and do not make any attempt to steal your accounts.

Session Token

Your session token is stored as a cookie for funimation named src_token Getting your session token. You will need to paste this value into the script when it asks for it.

XSRF Token

Your xsrf token will be returned in the body of a page from funimation while you are logged in. First log in to funimation in your browser, then one of the following:

Right click + view-source -> ctrl+f to search -> search for csrfmiddlewaretoken

Open dev tools -> ctrl+f to search -> search for csrfmiddlewaretoken

Getting your XSRF token. You will also need to paste this value into the script when it asks for it.

Delete History

delete_history.py can be used to delete all of the history of a show from your funimation account. Funimation does not currently provide a way to mass delete history other than individually clicking delete on your history page.

Running the scripts

pip install -r requirements.txt

python3 delete_history.py
Please enter your funimation JWT token: <paste your session token here>
Please enter your funimation XSRF token: <paste your xsrf token here>
Enter title of the show to erase history for: <enter the name of your show here>

The name of the show has to be exact for funimation to recognize and delete it. Try putting in any name and pay attention to see if the script skips the show you want to delete. If it does just copy paste the title it printed for the skip and use it.