
Corda R3 adapter for the Mantichor choreography framework

Primary LanguageKotlin

Mantichor Corda Adapter

Adapter for Mantichor to execute Process Choreographies on the Corda Platform. In the wiki you can find the detailled architecture and design concept. In this Readme you will find a quick start to build and run the adapter.

Repository Structure

  • adapterServer/ | Node.js server and pre-built jars
  • cordapp_template/ | intelliJ CorDapp project as template
  • initGen/ | src for the pre-built jar to calculate the participant list and the right address for task execution
  • tasksGen/ | src for the pre-built jar to calculate executable tasks based on corda state
  • bpmnParser/ | src for the pre-built jar for bpmn parsing and project generation
  • .gitignore | files ignored by Git
  • Dockerfile | Docker configuration
  • README.md | Readme about the repository
  • constants.properties | Corda configuration


You can start a pre-built version of the adapter using docker. Make sure that the latest versions of docker is installed.


Open a terminal window and use docker pull ferandal/cordaadapter and then docker run —rm -p 8080:8080 ferandal/cordaadapter.


To stop the server just kill the docker container: Docker kill (DockerID).

Execute tasks

With Postman you can then send requests to localhost:8080 as described in the REST API for mantichor. The implemented interface can be found as Swagger Documentation in Mantichor's Frontend Repository.



  • Java 8 JVM - at least version 8u171, but not Java 9 or higher.
  • IntelliJ IDEA - supported versions 2017.x, 2018.x and 2019.x (with Kotlin plugin version 1.2.71).
  • Gradle 4.10 - the gradlew script in the project will download it for you.

IntelliJ Settings

  1. Open IntelliJ.
  2. Open the folder bpmnParser\ as project in IntelliJ.
  3. Make sure that the folder src\ is marked as Sources Root.
  4. Click File, then Project Structure. Under Project SDK:, set the project SDK by clicking New..., clicking JDK, and navigating to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_XXX on Windows or Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.XXX on MacOSX (where XXX is the latest minor version number). Click Apply followed by OK.

Build the project

For developing the bpmn parser:

  1. Inside of the main() function of the XmlReader.kt you have to set the path to the testing bpmn. The default value is choreo.bpmn as this is used by the adapter server.
  2. Run the XmlReader.kt, which will generate a CorDapp project for the BPMN under mantichor-corda\cordapp__XXX\ (XXX = id of the BPMN).
! If you want to run XmlReader.kt for the first time, a popup window will appear, 
! where you simply click on "Configure Kotlin" and then select "Java".
  1. Open a terminal window in the cordapp_XXX directory.
! For Windows: The project is build for the Unix platform. 
! Therefore, you have to open the generated CorDapp as project in IntelliJ. 
! Then delete the folder `.gradle` and the file `gradle-wrapper.properties` 
! under `mantichor-corda\cordapp__XXX\gradle\wrapper`. 
! Then click on `Import changes`.
  1. Run the build Gradle task to compile our CorDapp project:
    Unix/Mac OSX: ./gradlew build
    Windows: gradlew.bat build
  2. Run the deployNodes Gradle task to build four nodes with our CorDapp already installed on them:
    Unix/Mac OSX: ./gradlew deployNodes
    Windows: gradlew.bat deployNodes
  3. Start the nodes by running the following command:
    Unix/Mac OSX: workflows-kotlin/build/nodes/runnodes
    Windows: call workflows-kotlin/build/nodes/runnodes.bat
  4. Each participant server needs to be started in its own terminal/command prompt, replace participantID with the specific participant id, e.g. participant_a:
    Unix/Mac OSX: ./gradlew runparticipantIDServer
    Windows: gradlew.bat runparticipantIDServer
+ Under `mantichor-corda\bpmnParser\` you will find the file `deployServer.txt`, 
+ which the `XmlReader.kt` has also generated. There you have a list of the participants.

Node.js Server

The server that implements the defined interface lives inside the mantichor-corda\adapterServer\ folder. The index.js file contains the server. You need to have Node.js installed to run it. The server is completely written with libraries that Node.js provides. Therefore, additional installations are not required. To run it, open a terminal window and execute node index.js.

Execute tasks in development

To test the Server refere to the defined interface and send the corresponding requests to http://localhost:8080. We recomment to use Postman to do that. For testing the projects, that are generated by the bpmn parser, you need to send the request to the corresponding corda node. For excuting a task corda implies a special structure: http://localhost:50005/api/generatedBPMNID/TASKNAME?partyName0=O=FIRSTPARTICIPANTID, L=London, C=GB&partyName1=O=SECONDPARTICIPANTID, L=London, C=GB&... For example you could run: http://localhost:50005/api/generatedchoreo/Task?partyName0=O=participant_a, L=London, C=GB&partyName1=O=participant_b, L=London, C=GB

tags: Corda Adapter Corda Process Choreography