
Checks a card number for format, length and checkdigit (luhn algorithm)

This class is written to be used as a credit card utility, allowing
you to do validate the format of certain card types.

Much of the information used to form the logic of this 
class was sourced from Michael Gilleland's Java class, 
which can be found at: http://www.merriampark.com/anatomycc.htm
See his page(s) for his sources, and the RESOURCES section below
for more on my resources.


The github repo also contains a GUI test interface.

IIN: Issuer Identification Number

MII: Major Industry Identifier

Check Digit: The last digit of a card number, that is used in the 
		Luhn Algorithm (see below) to determine if the number is a 
		valid format.

Luhn Algorithm: The algorithm used by most major card issuers to 
		determine if a card format is valid.

IIN and MII: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_card_number

Luhn Algorithm: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luhn_algorithm

ISO/IEC 7812 Standards: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_7812

To make this class work for your application, you should
review and make appropriate adjustments to:
		var arrCardTypes
  	var arrAcceptedMII

This script has been thoroughly vetted with dozens of real VISA, AMEX
and MC numbers (I didn't have accessibility to any DISCOVER cards), 
with legitimate responses. However, you too should test before 
implementing into your application. The source files are available
at my github (see SOURCE section above). You should also review the 
IIN values at the RESOURCES listed above to ensure they are still 
accurate at the time of implementation.

You are solely responsible for any loss or security issues caused by
any implementation of this script, either as a whole or any part(s).