
A SDK for corbel compatible with browsers and node.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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A SDK for corbel compatible with browsers and node.

  • Quickstart
    • Installation
    • What is corbel-js ?
    • Usage
      • Instance a new driver
      • Driver options (with client/secret)
      • Driver options (with accessToken)
      • Driver options (with custom API endpoints)
  • API
    • IAM
      • Create a token
        • Client token
        • User token (IAM Basic)
        • Token refresh token
      • User creation
      • Update user
    • Resources
      • Collection
      • Relations
        • Relation model
      • Resources
      • Assets
      • Domains
    • Chainable API
  • library static methods
  • Examples



  • browser

    bower install corbel-js --save
    # for environments without promises support
    bower install es6-promise --save
  • node

    npm install corbel-js --save

What is corbel-js ?

Corbel-js is a SDK for working with the Corbel backend.

Using corbel-js SDK would allow you to :

  • Create collections and resources
  • CRUD operations for your models
  • Authenticate users
  • ...(much more)


Instance a new driver

var corbelDriver = corbel.getDriver(options);

Driver options (with client/secret)

var options = {
    'clientId': 'clientId',
    'clientSecret': 'clientSecret',
    'audience': 'audience',
    'urlBase': 'http://localhost:8080/{{module}}',
    'scopes': 'scopes',
    'device_id' : 'device_id'

Driver options (with accessToken)

var options = {
    'iamToken': {
      accessToken: 'token',
      expiresAt: 1442837305000, // optional
      refreshToken: 'token',    // optional
    'domain': 'app:domain'
    'urlBase': 'http://localhost:8080/{{module}}'

Driver options (with custom API endpoints)

var options = {
    /* ... */
    'oauthEndpoint': 'http://localhost:8084/v1.0/',
    'resourcesEndpoint': 'http://localhost:8080/v1.0/',
    'iamEndpoint': 'http://localhost:8082/v1.0/',
    'evciEndpoint': 'http://localhost:8086/v1.0/',
    'ecEndpoint': 'http://localhost:8088/v1.0/',
    'assetsEndpoint': 'http://localhost:8092/v1.0/',
    'notificationsEndpoint': 'http://localhost:8094/v1.0/',
    'bqponEndpoint': 'http://localhost:8090/v1.0/',
    'webfsEndpoint': 'http://localhost:8096/v1.0/',
    'schedulerEndpoint': 'http://localhost:8098/v1.0/',
    'borrowEndpoint': 'http://localhost:8100/v1.0/',
    'composrEndpoint': 'http://localhost:3000/'



IAM is the corbel module to handle with client and user autentication, in order to access to the rest of corbel API, you should generate a client/user token first

Create a token

There is 2 types of tokens, client token for applications, and user token, for autenticated users

Client token
var corbelDriver = corbel.getDriver(options);
User token (IAM Basic)
var corbelDriver = corbel.getDriver(options);
  claims: {
    'basic_auth.username': username,
    'basic_auth.password': password
Token refresh token

When a driver is authenticated as a user, its tries to refresh token automatically when a 401 response is detected. If your application needs to add some behavior when a token is updated with tokenRefresh (update localStorage for example), you can do it with:

var corbelDriver = corbel.getDriver(options);
  claims: {
    'basic_auth.username': username,
    'basic_auth.password': password

corbelDriver.on('token:refresh', yourTokenRefreshHandler);

User creation

    username: username

By default Corbel will send an email to the user, you can avoid it by sending the avoidNotification parameter in the body.

    username: username,
    avoidNotification: true

Update user

    username: username


The Resources API is a flexible programming interface for retrieval of resource's representations. Using the patterns described by this API we can deploy any kind of resource in our Corbel ecosystem with minimal impact on clients and server code. A request can contain URL parameters which can modify the content of representation returned or its transmission to the client. Parameter names must be specified on using its canonical form.

More info: http://docs.corbelresources.apiary.io/


Resources API

Resources is exposed to corbelDriver instance and It has static methods and variables inside corbel namespace:

  • Statics properties and methods in corbel.Resources:

    • create: Factory method for instantiating a Resources object

    • sort: Sort constants object

    • ALL: Constant for use to specify all resources wildcard

  • Instance methods

  • collection: Collection factory method collection('collectionName')

  • resource: Resource factory method resource('resourceName',id)

  • relation: Relation factory method relation('sourceResourceName', sourceResourceId, 'destResourceName')

      .relation('sourceResourceName', sourceResourceId, 'destResourceName')


A collection is a container of resources that share the same type. For instance:

/resource/music:Album => All resources of type music:Album

/resource/book:Book => All resources of type book:Book

/resource/music:Artist => All resources of type music:Artist

Collection API

  • Factory method

  • get: Gets a collection of elements, filtered, paginated or sorted (requestOptionsObject)

  • add: Adds a new element to a collection (objectData,requestOptionsObject)

  • update: Updates the elements of a collection (objectData,requestOptionsObject)



** Adding an item to a collection **

    //related data
    name: 'New model name',
    lastName: 'New model last name'
    //request options
}).then(function(idNewModel){ });

** Updating a collection **

    //related data
    name: 'Update model name',
    lastName: 'Update model last name'
   condition: [{
        $eq: {} 
    } ] 
}).then(function(){ });

Collection request params API

Following params can be passed both as request options object and as chainable methods:

  • Conditions (only for update, updates a set of items that match a certain condition, same sintaxis than query):

    { condition: [{$eq: {} } ] }
    { conditions: [{ condition: [{$eq: {} } ] }, { condition: [{$eq: {} } ] } ] }
  • Pagination:

    { pagination: { page: 1, pageSize: 5 } }
  • Aggregations:

    { aggregation: { $count: '*' } }

    Available aggregations:

$count - Count all the elements of the request {count : n} $count - field: String Count all the elements of the request that contain the field "field" {count : n} $avg - field: String Average the parameter field of the elements of the request {average: n} $sum - field: String Sum the parameter field of the elements of the request {sum: n} $max - field: String Maximum value that the given field has among all elements {max: xxx} $min - field: String Minimum value that the given field has among all elements {min: xxx} $combine - field: JSON Calculate new element using document information {combine: { sum: "expression"}} $histogram - field: String Count all the ocurrences of the elements of the request { count : n, id: xxx}

* Distinct: 

var params = { distinctfield: 'language' };

corbelDriver.resources .collection('collectionName') .get(params)

* Sort:

{ sort: { title: corbel.Resources.order.sort } }

* Query:

{ query: [{$like: {} } ] }

{ queries: [{ query: [{$like: {} } ] }, { query: [{$like: {} } ] } ] }

* Custom query parameters:

{ customQueryParams: {myParam: 'myValue', ... } }

* Search (ElasticSearch):

{ search: {text: 'This is the text i want to search'} }

{ search: 'This is the text i want to search'}


var collection = corbelDriver.resources

//request options
query: [{
'$like': {
    'name': 'Default name'
//response.data => [ ..., ..., ...]
var collection = corbelDriver.resources

  //request options
  queries: [{
      query: [{
          '$eq': {
            intField: 100
  }, {
      query: [{
          '$eq': {
              intField: 200
  //response.data => [ ..., ..., ...]
    //request options
    dataType: 'application/json',
    pagination: {
        page: 1,
        pageSize: 7
        sort: {
            title: corbel.Resources.order.sort
  //response.data => [ ..., ..., ...]


A relation is a model that creates a relation between two different sets of resources or one resource and arbitrary data. The registers on the relation may have aditional information.

For example: Having 2 different resources, a set of car models and a set of car sellers.

If you want to populate the car sellers with some relations to the models available at the store, and also allowing to specify a different set of data for each car in each shop, you could use a relation.

+---------------+    +----------------------+   +------------+
|               |    |                      |   |            |
| carModels     |    | carSellers_carModels |   | carSellers |
|               |    |                      |   |            |
+---------------+    +----------------------+   +------------+
var sellerId = 'test-seller';
var carModelId = 'nexus-alpha-1';

//Extra information on the relation
var data = {
  priceDiscount : 0.2,
  amount : 10

    .relation('carSellers', sellerId , 'carModels')
    .add(carModelId, data, requestOptionsObject)
Relation model

The mandatory fields that define the relation are _src_id and _dst_id.

    _src_id: "carSeller_id",
    _dst_id: "car-model-001",
    sendedAtAddress : 'street test'

Relation API

  • Factory method

      .relation('resourceName', srcId, 'relationName')
  • get: List elements of a resource's relation (destId, requestOptionsObject)

      .get(destId, requestOptionsObject)
  • add: Add new relation (destId, relationData, requestOptionsObject)

To some specific item on another resource:

var sourceId = 15;
  .relation('resourceName', sourceId, 'relationName')
  .add(destId, relationData, requestOptionsObject)

Not using other resources on the relation

  var sourceId = 15;
    .relation('resourceName', sourceId, 'relationName')
    .add(null, relationData, requestOptionsObject)
  • move: Move a relation (destId, pos, requestOptionsObject)

    var sourceId = 'id1';
      .relation('resourceName', sourceId, 'relatio nName')
      .move(destId, pos, requestOptionsObject)
  • delete: Delete a relation (destId, requestOptionsObject)

      .delete(destId, requestOptionsObject)


var relation = corbelDriver.resources

relation.get('destId', {
    //request options
}).then(function(collectionData){ });

relation.add('15658', {
    //related data
    name: 'New model name',
    lastName: 'New model last name'
}, {
    //request options
    query: [{
            'name': 'Juanfran'
}).then(function(data){ });

relation.move('15658','pos', {
    //request options
}).then(function(){ });

relation.delete('15658', {
    //request options
}).then(function(){ });

Relation request params API

The same request params previously listed in the collection API.


A resource is a single object in a collection. For instance

/resource/music:Album/123 => The representation of a single object of type music:Album whose identifier is 123

Resources API

  • Factory method

      .resource('resourceName', resourceId)
  • get: Get a resource representation (requestOptionsObject)

  • update: Update a resource (resourceData, requestOptionsObject)

      .update(resourceData, requestOptionsObject)
  • delete: Delete a resource (requestOptionsObject)



var resource = corbelDriver.resources
    .resource('books:book', 15);

    //request options
}).then(function(resourceData){ });

resource.update('resource', {
    //related data
    name: 'Update model name',
    lastName: 'Update model last name'
}, {
  //request options
}).then(function(data){ });

resource.delete('resourceId', {
    //request options
}).then(function(){ });


The Resources API is capable to handle images and perform operations over it.

  • update: Update an image (resourceData, requestOptionsObject)

    /*requestOptionsObject example*/
     requestOptionsObject : {
       dataType: 'image/png',
  • get: Get an image (requestOptionsObject)

    /*requestOptionsObject example*/
     requestOptionsObject : {
       dataType: 'image/png',
       query: 'image:operations=resize=(100,20)&image:format=gif',
       responseType: 'blob' /*arraybuffer is supported as well*/
  • delete: Delete an image (requestOptionsObject)

    /*requestOptionsObject example*/
     requestOptionsObject : {
       dataType: 'image/png',

For more information, visit: http://docs.corbelimage.apiary.io/


Assets are dynamic groups of scopes that a user can have for a certain period of time.

This is an example of an asset:

   _id: "0b2dff5c39934c210d80056a94eb27bc6c6d6378",
   userId: "fooid",
   name: "assettest13",
   productId: "producttest13",
   expire: ISODate("2025-01-01T00:01:00Z"),
   active: true,
   scopes: [

Imagine assets as a group of items that extend the user permissions. For example, a user buys a digital good, then an asset is created with the permission for accessing that digital book.

When you login a user, you may want to load the assets of the user (by default they are not loaded because we try to mantain each service isolated). For doing that, you can access corbel assets with corbelDriver this way:

var corbelDriver = corbel.getDriver({
    iamToken : {
      'accessToken' : 'USERACCESSTOKEN'
    baseUrl : 'CORBELURL'

//Enable the user permissions for that accessToken

You can also request all the user assets if you want, for example, listing al the goods that a user has purchased:


Assets API

  • Factory method

  • get: Get all the assets (requestOptionsObject)

  • create: Create an asset (assetData)

  • delete: Delete an asset (assetId)



Corbel-js provides a mechanism for doing requests from a child domain to it's parents by using the .domain method.

corbelDriver.domain('myParentDomain').resources.resource /*...*/

This will redirect the request from the client domain to myParentDomain, doing this will allow the client to access it's parents collections (if it has permissions).

Chainable API

You can use a chainable api to set defaults parameters over any kind of resource:


var collection = corbelDriver.resources

    .like('name','default name')

The parameters specified with the chainable api will be removed when a corbel-request is maden.

var collection = corbelDriver.resources

    .like('name','default name')

//Collection doesn't have the defaults chainable params

//this get request will not use any request params previously defined

library static methods

corbel.jwt.generate(claimsObject, secret);
// ... more


Get an application token, add an item to a collection, then retrieve it

corbelDriver.iam.token().create().then(function() {
    return corbelDriver.resources.collection(collectionName).add('application/json', params);
}).then(function(resourceId) {
    return corbelDriver.resources.resource(collectionName, resourceId).get();
}).then(function(response) {
    console.log('resource', response.data);
}).catch(function(error) {
    console.error('some.error', error);