pysep SEP = seismogram extraction and processing pysep uses obspy tools to request seismic data, process data, and write out sac files. Our motivation is to have files prepared for moment tensor inversions. However the sac files can be used for other purposes as well. download: git clone What pysep does: + input event information or get it from IRIS. You can also loop over multiple events. + extract waveforms using get_waveforms_bulk + makes sure that the three-component waveforms for a station are of equal length + write sets of sac files with headers + plot station map + save station .xml file OPTIONAL STEPS + demean or detrend the waveforms + prefilter option (prior to removing instrument response) (a) none (b) based on window length and sample rate (c) input filter periods, checked according to window length and sample rate + filter extracted waveforms (causal, acausal, low-pass, etc) + remove instrument response + scale amplitude of the waveforms + resample + input taper fraction (useful for short time-windows) + add null traces so that there are always 3 components (required when rotating) + rotate to RTZ, taking the sensor orientation into consideration + rotate to UVW triaxial orthogonal frame of the T120PH Nanometrics sensor (useful for isolating spurious signals to sensor components) + debugging plots plots: spectrograms, instrument response Additonal features + access embargoed data sets from IRIS (requires user name and password) + interface with LLNL database of nuclear explosion and earthquake waveforms (see below) contributors (alphabetical): Celso Alvizuri Lion Krischer Vipul Silwal Kyle Smith Carl Tape ============================== MAIN SCRIPTS: -- source parameters for example events MAIN FUNCTIONS: -- to get data from IRIS/BK/LLNL databases check_getwaveform.bash -- run example events and check the output files against pre-saved versions getwaveform_saved check_filenames -- directory of list of files for example events in ============================== pysep interfaces with the databases of: W. Walter et al. (2006) An assembled western United States dataset for regional seismic analysis ISSO 9660 CD, LLNL release UCRL-MI-222502 The database can be downloaded from IRIS DMC at The package needed to access these waveforms is here: Follow the install instructions, then set a symbolic link as ln -s /PATH_TO_LLNL_CLIENT/llnl_db_client . ==============================