
A python wrapper used for interacting with the Monzo API

Primary LanguagePython


The code provides a Pythonic interface to the Monzo REST API: https://docs.monzo.com/#introduction. Allowing you programmatically interact with your Monzo account.


  • Monzo account
  • Access Token

Requirements/ Todo

  • Unit testS (mock requests)
  • Web Client: Visualise data (use Flask)
  • put regex to check access_token
  • make the entry time entry in transactions more user friendly
  • create a function like this > get_transatctions(month)
  • add in function for __version, __repr,
  • Review Splunk API
  • Add .gitignore
  • Add python setuptool, venv, make, init etc
  • Look into OAuth

Getting started


Running Tests