This is a sample project to read the PLC logbook with mappView. It uses the B&R library ArEvent to access the logbook information. This implementation has the following advantage over embedding the SDM interface into a web widget control.
- mappView look and feel
- Only the logbook can be integrated without the other SDM features
- All facility can be read in one step
- Mutliple filters can be applied to reduce the number of hits
Also see How to import the user management into an existing project. Download the latest release from here. Detailed information are available in the Wiki.
- Automation Studio 4.7
- mappView 5.11.3
- Automation Runtime C4.72
Recommended task class is #8 with a 10ms cycle time.
- Fixed desc sorting
- Update to Automation Studio 4.12 and mapp 5.24
- Added object ID (origin)