
RIDE smart contract for exchanging assets between two parties without trust

MIT LicenseMIT


RIDE smart contract for exchanging assets between two parties without trust


@Callable(i) func escrow(wantAssetId: String, wantAmount: Int, partnerAddress: String)

  • Each of two parties call this function. Wanted assetId and amount are passed as arguments, as well as partner's Waves address
  • Their offered assetId and amount are passed as payment

@Callable(i) func cancel()

  • If, for some reason, you don't want to finish the deal, you can cancel it and payment (previously locked during calling escrow) will be returned

Use the dApp

You can run it on MainNet with official Waves dApp interface: https://waves-dapp.com/3PAimVkP7cqar6gMKNh5bQDNH9x4U6sXE7u