
Download and merge Google Maps tiles

Primary LanguagePython


Edit main.py to specify the area and the zoom level you want.

zoom = 10
lat_start, lon_start = 36.99, -114.03  #Grand Canyon USA (top left corner)
lat_stop, lon_stop   = 35.64, -111.60  #(bottom right corner)
source_type = {'type':'sat'} # Search for a satellite image source in sources.json

You can easily find coordinates with http://itouchmap.com/latlong.html.

Then, run $ python main.py to fetch, merge and display tiles:

Loading Region Information
    "5271016846446686592": {
        "ext": "jpg", 
        "name": "Google Satellite", 
        "notes": "Google will blacklist overuse for 24H, v=708 is the API version number which will sometimes be updated and must be correct, and normally discourages direct access like this. The http or https links work equally.", 
        "postfix": "", 
        "prefix": "https://khm2.google.com/kh/v=708&s=Gal", 
        "type": "satellite", 
        "x": "&x=", 
        "y": "&y=", 
        "zoom": "&z="
Downloading Tiles
x range 187 194
y range 398 403
Total Tiles:  35
Merging Tiles
x range 187 194
y range 398 403
width: 1792
height: 1280

Select Tile Source

Methods from sources.py select, add, or remove information from sources.json.

Example usage/tests can be run by $ python sources.py.

Note: A source 'uid' is the hash of the source fields, so updating a source may cause methods to ignore already fetched tiles.

Download Map Tiles

Methods from download_tiles.py convert zoom and cordinates via gmap_utils.py into urls to download into the current directory.

Example usage/tests can be run by $ python download_tiles.py.

Merge Map Tiles

Methods from merge_tiles.py use a known image source and coordinate bounds to generate a single stitched image.

Example usage/tests can be run by $ python merge_tiles.py after the tiles have been downloaded.


Packages used:

PIL - For merging images (`merge_tiles.py`)
json - For loading tile sources (`sources.py`)
urllib2 - For downloading http(s) data (`download_tiles.py`)
threading - For multiple http(s) workers
fake_useragent - For generating useragent strings

Example main.py Outcome

Google Maps Tiles