Version release: v1.5-Stable
Distros Supported: Linux Kali, Ubuntu, Mint
Author: pedro ubuntu [ r00t-3xp10it ]
Suspicious-Shell-Activity© (SSA) RedTeam develop @2017
Simple script that allow users to add a ms-word icon to one
existing executable.exe (using resource-hacker as backend appl)
and a ruby one-liner command that will hidde the .exe extension
and add the word doc .ppt extension to the end of the file name.
backdoorppt tool uses 2 diferent extension spoof methods:
'Right to Left Override' & 'Hide Extensions for Known File Types'
Edit the 'settings' file to chose what method should be used..
cd backdoorppt && nano settings
xterm, wine, ruby, ResourceHacker(wine)
'backdoorppt script will work on wine 32 or 64 bits'
'it also installs ResourceHacker under .../.wine/Program Files/.. directorys'
1º - backdoorppt only supports windows binarys to be transformed (.exe -> .ppt)
2º - backdoorppt requires ResourceHacker installed (wine) to change the icons
3º - backdoorppt present you 6 available diferent icons (.ico) to chose from
4º - backdoorppt does not build real ms-word doc files, but it will transform
your payload.exe to look like one word doc file (social engineering).
Target user thinks they are opening a word document file,
but in fact they are executing one binary payload insted.
Credits: **Damon Mohammadbagher**
Article: ****