
This is a simple shell script that display the reverse shell syntax based in received options.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is a simple shell script that display the reverse/bind shell syntax based in received options.

Basic utilization

rbscheat -i ip:port -l shell-type

Display reverse shell syntax for supported languages.


rscheat [ -i ip:port ] [ -l shell-type ] [ -b ]


-h Display this help

-i IP:PORT The target IP and port to reverse shell connect

-b Bind Shell

-l shell-type The supported reverse shell kind to display syntax

-v Version

Are support the following kinds

Reverse: bash, netcat, java, perl, php, python2, python3, golang, ruby, awk, xterm.

Bind: netcat, perl, awk.

shell-type -l: bash, netcat|nc, java|jar, perl|pl, php, python|py, xterm, ruby|rb, golang|go, awk