Simple multiprocessing toolkit. This is based on the Gunicorn multiprocessing engine.
This library allows you to supervise multiple type of workers and chain supervisors. Graceful, reload, signaling between workers is handled.
Simple Arbiter launching one worker:
from pistil.arbiter import Arbiter from pistil.worker import Worker class MyWorker(Worker): def handle(self): print "hello from worker n°%s" % self.pid if __name__ == "__main__": conf = {} specs = [(MyWorker, 30, "worker", {}, "test")] a = Arbiter(conf, specs) a.run()
The same with different with the Pool arbiter. This time we send the same worker on 3 os processes:
from pistil.pool import PoolArbiter from pistil.worker import Worker class MyWorker(Worker): def handle(self): print "hello from worker n°%s" % self.pid if __name__ == "__main__": conf = {"num_workers": 3 } spec = (MyWorker, 30, "worker", {}, "test",) a = PoolArbiter(conf, spec) a.run()
A common use for that pattern is a tcp server that share the same socket between them. For that purpose pistil provides the TcpArbiter and TcpSyncWorker and the GeventTcpWorker to use with gevent.
Pistil allows you to mix different kind of workers in an arbiter:
from pistil.arbiter import Arbiter from pistil.worker import Worker class MyWorker(Worker): def handle(self): print "hello worker 1 from %s" % self.name class MyWorker2(Worker): def handle(self): print "hello worker 2 from %s" % self.name if __name__ == '__main__': conf = {} specs = [ (MyWorker, 30, "worker", {}, "w1"), (MyWorker2, 30, "worker", {}, "w2"), (MyWorker2, 30, "kill", {}, "w3") ] # launchh the arbiter arbiter = Arbiter(conf, specs) arbiter.run()
You can also chain arbiters:
import time import urllib2 from pistil.arbiter import Arbiter from pistil.worker import Worker from pistil.tcp.sync_worker import TcpSyncWorker from pistil.tcp.arbiter import TcpArbiter from http_parser.http import HttpStream from http_parser.reader import SocketReader class MyTcpWorker(TcpSyncWorker): def handle(self, sock, addr): p = HttpStream(SocketReader(sock)) path = p.path() data = "welcome wold" sock.send("".join(["HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", "Content-Type: text/html\r\n", "Content-Length:" + str(len(data)) + "\r\n", "Connection: close\r\n\r\n", data])) class UrlWorker(Worker): def handle(self): f = urllib2.urlopen("http://localhost:5000") print f.read() class MyPoolArbiter(TcpArbiter): def on_init(self, conf): TcpArbiter.on_init(self, conf) # we return a spec return (MyTcpWorker, 30, "worker", {}, "http_welcome",) if __name__ == '__main__': conf = {"num_workers": 3, "address": ("", 5000)} specs = [ (MyPoolArbiter, 30, "supervisor", {}, "tcp_pool"), (UrlWorker, 30, "worker", {}, "grabber") ] arbiter = Arbiter(conf, specs) arbiter.run()
This example launches a web server with 3 workers on port 5000 and another worker fetching the welcome page hosted by this server:
$ python examples/multiworker2.py 2011-08-08 00:05:42 [13195] [DEBUG] Arbiter master booted on 13195 2011-08-08 00:05:42 [13196] [INFO] Booting grabber (worker) with pid: 13196 ici 2011-08-08 00:05:42 [13197] [INFO] Booting pool (supervisor) with pid: 13197 2011-08-08 00:05:42 [13197] [DEBUG] Arbiter pool booted on 13197 2011-08-08 00:05:42 [13197] [INFO] Listening at: (13197) 2011-08-08 00:05:42 [13198] [INFO] Booting worker (worker) with pid: 13198 2011-08-08 00:05:42 [13199] [INFO] Booting worker (worker) with pid: 13199 welcome world welcome world
More documentation is coming. See also examples in the examples/ folder.